Is the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization really a cult?

by Etude 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heaven

    That makes a Jesus a cult leader then Heaven, n'est ce pas?

    Podobear... it sure does. Hence my own personal issues with Christianity. In my experience, 'truth' does not exclusively belong to Christians so I know it's a load of BS.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    'Looks like dog shit, smells like dog shit, feels like dog shit, tastes like dog shit. Must be dog shit.

    Good thing we didn't step in it!".

    Hell, even after 15 yrs......I still can't get this shit completely off my shoes.

    Think About It

  • mindmelda

    A lot of comparative religious studies describe Witnesses as a Christian sect, and also the Mormons, or anyone else that is not mainstream Christian in their beliefs.

    Sect isn't exactly a nice word, it means that you're not in the mainstream, and were started by an individual who deviated from mainstream Christian teaching and thought, but still claim to be Christian. Witnesses don't like being termed a "sect" and neither do Mormons, because for one thing, it points out your origins, and also for Witnesses, sectarianism is forbidden in the Bible as a work of the flesh and they know it. Mormons don't care so much because the Book of Mormon approves of them and they have that going for them.

    A cult is more sinister, obviously, and a step below a sect in definition. I suppose comparative religious studies hesitate to use the C word for JWs because it's a slur and as such must be proven. It's easier to term them a sect, which is unflattering, but not libelous.

    A cult is centered around a man or woman or a group that must be obeyed to please God, or gods, or whoever they're worshipping. A cult uses coercion and coercive tactics to keep you in the cult. Cults either present themselves as the utopian answer to social problems or they condemn society as deserving of avoidance or destruction.

    There's more, but those features alone are enough to identify Jehovah's Witnesses as a cult. Ritual, however bizarre or arcane, doesn't in and of itself qualify a group as a cult, unless one is compelled to participate in them or risk shunning, punishment or being expelled.

  • Podobear

    Good summary mindmelda.. and honest retort Heaven. The word "cult" itself finds its roots in the French... "La Culte [Catholique]". Here in the UK, the word has become perhaps more derogatory than true to its origins.

    It has been censored by the UK parliament and it is now illegal here to use it in anti-religious demonstrations. Specifically anti-Scientology in recent times. I stand by my previous comments. The JW movement has evolved beyond what I knew it. I no longer accept the religion in its current form and for me THEY have invalidated my vows of baptism.. not me. I did not get baptised into a CULT, by current definition. I did, however, accept that doctrine and way of life as it was then.. as Truth. As Heaven said, and as the original French infers.. I accepted the cult of Jesus.

    Currently, I hold no affiliation... just a strong spirituality. Atheism is not my bag.. I see no sense of reason in it.

  • DaCheech

    they are worshipping humans called the gubberning body (faith and discreet slave) so by worshipping them, they are not really worshipping god.

    cults have figure heads

  • mindmelda

    Witnesses would deny that they are worshipping the Faithful and Discreet Slave, because that cannot be made obvious to them. They "obey" the Faithful and Discreet slave or are "loyal" to the FDS.

    One of the definitions of worship is, however, excessive devotion (attachment or loyalty born of strong emotion) or admiration for an object or person or entity. The word "worship" has the same roots as "worthy" in English, and implies that what is worshipped is worthy of it when applied to a deity. If what is worshipped isn't worthy or fallible or not deserving of loyalty, it's false devotion or worship.

    Think that applies? I do.

  • 5thGeneration

    Is the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization really a cult?

    No more than any religion IMHO.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Etude,

    When it was confirmed for me that the JWs were a cult (besides everything I was finding out about them) was when I read parts of the book about the Moonies..a cult. I was blown away at how simular the techniques were. It never, ever mentioned was like I said, about the Moonies.

    Infact, my husband was taking a shower, and I walked in and asked him to listen to a few things...I read different parts to him...I asked him what that sounded like...he said the Wittnesses for sure! I said well you will be shocked to know this is about a cult the Moonies and has NOTHING to do with the JWs!! He was shocked indeed!!

    Any group that isolates you from the outside world, and uses fear to keep you captive, is one to be feared, and is indeed a C U L T !!


    Lady Liberty

  • Lozhasleft

    Excellent debate thread - much appreciated.

    Loz x

  • Etude

    The Catholic church IS a cult. Just not as bad as Witnesses, they have a lot less control over the minds of their members.

    I suppose that if that’s the case, then each and every major Religion is a cult. How do we differentiate them from anything else? Should we say that religions are cults unless all they do is secular or do we examine the current meanings of “cult”? This is what led me to ask the question in the first place, because an authority I had not counted on stated that the Mormon faith is not a cult. There are obvious differences of opinion there.

    The WBATS is absolutely a cult as is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The LDS has best been described as the Scientology of it's day and it really is. LDS and WBATS are brothers


    To be absolutely fair, some of the comments on the website (PBS Frontline/An American Experience: The Mormons []) pointed to the fact that (although not specifically mentioned), the majority of the commentators and scholars interviewed were Mormons, which tends to bias the presentation. However, the comment as I recall was that Mormons are a main-stream world-wide force to be reckoned with and therefore not a cult. Yes, it exerts a lot of political and financial influence that the WTBTS does not. Nevertheless, the WTBTS holds a similar status of a major American-born religion as far as many scholars and political factions are concerned.

    Their methods are identical to those used by groups that are undoubtedly cults.


    I agree. How about self flagellation or the old Catholic saying: “Give me a child at a tender age and you’ll have a Catholic forever”? How about the abuse and cover-up of molestations in the C.C? All of that is a fact of a major denomination that is not considered a cult, even if I think it’s cultish. And, looking back at its history, can we say that the Catholic Church has exhibited “Intellectual dishonesty, manipulation, coercion, etc. carried out to inhuman lengths to ensure said wacky beliefs are followed at all times without exception”. Definitely yes! But just because you put feathers on a dog, it don’t make it a chicken.

    Lastly, let’s keep in mind that modes, attitudes, meanings and definitions change with time. I just don’t want to underestimate the general perception of the WTBTS just because I keep thinking they’re a bunch of fuckwits in their teachings. I'm continually surprised how those bastards snake their way out of doctrinal cages and still manage to keep the majority of the flock in tow. It is possible that they may “adjust” enough to be able to take a more active role in politics and become as influential as the Mormons. I don’t doubt that their effort to be an aggregate to the U.N. (even as an NGO) was just a small step in that direction. Now, there’s a rumor that they’re softening the U.N. position in the congregation ( Watch out.


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