Dearest NVL...

by AGuest 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    The Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, has heard your questions and your accusations regarding Him. His word to you, however, is that you have not heard His questions to you. By the spirit of my Lord, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Word of God and through whom the Most Holy One of Israel speaks, I am directed by that One to share the following with you... that perhaps you may NOW hear what it is He has been saying to YOU. Please note, it is written and is "scripture" -

    "Look! The hand of JaHVeH has not become too shortthat it cannot save, nor has his ear become too heavy that it cannot hear. No, but the very errors of YOU people have become the things causing division between YOU and YOUR God, and YOUR own sins have caused the concealing of [his] face from YOU to keep from hearing. For YOUR own palms have become polluted with blood, and YOUR fingers with error. YOUR own lips have spoken falsehood. YOUR own tongue kept muttering sheer unrighteousness. There is no one calling out in righteousness, and no one at all has gone to court in faithfulness. There has been a trusting in unreality, and a speaking of worthlessness. There has been a conceiving of trouble, and a bringing of what is hurtful to birth.

    The eggs of a poisonous snake are what they have hatched, and they kept weaving the mere cobweb of a spider. Anyone eating some of their eggs would die, and the [egg] that was smashed would be hatched into a viper. Their mere cobweb will not serve as a garment, nor will they cover themselves with their works. Their works are hurtful works, and the activity of violence is in their palms. Their own feet keep running to sheer badness, and they are in a hurry to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are hurtful thoughts; despoiling and breakdown are in their highways. The way of peace they have ignored, and there is no justice in their tracks. Their roadways they have made crooked for themselves. No one at all treading in them will actually know peace.

    That is why justice has come to be far away from us, and righteousness does not catch up with us. We keep hoping for light, but, look! darkness; for brightness, [but] in continuous gloom we kept walking. We keep groping for the wall just like blind men, and like those without eyes we keep groping. We have stumbled at high noon just as in evening darkness; among the stout ones [we are] just like dead people. We keep groaning, all of us, just like bears; and like doves we mournfully keep cooing. We kept hoping for justice, but there was none; for salvation, [but] it has stayed far away from us. For our revolts have become many in front of you; and as for our sins, each one has testified against us. For our revolts are with us; and as for our errors, we well know them. There have been transgressing and a denying of JaHVeH; and there was a moving back from our God, aspeaking of oppression and revolt, a conceiving and amutteringof words of falsehoodfrom the very heart. And justice was forced to move back, and righteousness itself kept standing simply far off. For truth has stumbled even in the public square, and what is straightforward is unable to enter. And the truth proves to be missing(John 14:6), and anyone turning away from badness is being despoiled." Isaiah 59:1-15

    Please know I did not conjure this up. What I share with you is the truth, as given me by the Truth. Indeed, I had left off even thinking of you and moved on just as the Holy Spirit had directed me. But apparently YOU have gone further and asked why... and this time, in sincerity. And so, you were given a response. Which response has been given to you... apparently MANY times... but you REFUSE to listen. Because you refuse to acknowledge that the error lies with YOU.

    But, now you know why you can't hear God. So, you don't have to ask anymore. The error is yours, as I stated truthfully to you. BUT... it does not have to be this way! You can CHOOSE to soften your heart... and thus your head... and begin listening to the Fine Shepherd AT ANY TIME. (John 10:27) Or, you can choose to continue hardening your heart... and thus your head... so that your ears CAN'T be "opened." The CHOICE is, as I've said from the start, yours.

    My concern is that you will choose the latter, to harden your heart... and head... but that results in you actually DO hearing God, through hearing the voice of Christ... but not in the way you're thinking. Instead, in the way you HAVE to... because of a hard heart and hard head. I truly hope that does not turn out to be the case for you. Indeed, I plead that it doesn't. But my prayers have only so much value. It would benefit you WAY more if YOU went to that Most Holy One of Israel, yourself... through His Son... and asked for yourself what it is you need to do. Then LISTEN. Even if it's hard to hear, dear one. Because every wound needing caterizing experiences some pain. Sometimes, great pain. BUT... if that's what it takes to HEAL the wound... then we put ourselves through it, don't we? You can do this, dear one, if you WANT to.

    I bid you the greatest of love and peace... and strength and courage. You will need to latter two, and the first two will help.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,



  • peaches

    ??? i am not sure who NVL is,,,but if you are talking about people on this sight,,,it is not correct what you are stating..."in a hurry to shed innocent blood",,,,,maybe......not that i am innocent,,,but for me,,,it was either put a gun to my head or leave the organization...YES,,,i had already purchased the gun....

    who is guilty of this SIN???? only god can make judgement....anyone else doing so is merely having a "holier than thou attack" judge without knowledge is PRESUME that jehovah is speaking through,,,,is beyond SCAREY....

    without knowing emotional weaknesses,,,what each person may have gone there mental disability that is not discernable to the public,,,the list goes on....

    i do not know who you are,,,but you have 4000 take your self imposed strength and pass judgement without accurate knowledge...i am so glad i am not you....

  • garyneal

    Shelby, are you addressing the atheists and the people who are doubting God?

  • AGuest

    Dearest GaryNeal... may you have peace!

    Shelby, are you addressing the atheists and the people who are doubting God?

    No, dear GN. This was not a general address. I thought it should probably go in another related thread; however, my direction was to post it this way. I heard... and I obeyed.

    ??? i am not sure who NVL is,,,but if you are talking about people on this sight,,,it is not correct what you are stating..."in a hurry to shed innocent blood"...

    The post was not addressed to "people" on this sight in general, dear Peaches (may you have peace, as well). And I don't think the part about being in a hurry to shed innocent blood applied; however, that is not for me to say. I posted was I was directed to post... and highlighted what apparently was applicable.

    ,,,,,maybe......not that i am innocent,,,

    Nor am I. But who is and who isn't? It certainly is not for me to say...

    but for me,,,it was either put a gun to my head or leave the organization...YES,,,i had already purchased the gun....

    I understand. No, really, I do. A very dear one did just that a few years back... his head and that of his entire immediate family. I knew him and I know why he did it. I posted how I hated "them" for that... one of the few posts where I have expressed hatred for someone/something. But I couldn't contain it. So, I do understand. I am SO glad that you able to leave without having to leave this life. Truly.

    who is guilty of this SIN????

    Many of mankind... and Israel, when the proclamation was first issued. But, again, I am not certain that the "sin" you are referring to, while included in the langauge of the scripture, applied. Only God, Christ, and the one addressed know that. I believe it was more about speaking in falsehood and muttering in unrighteousness... about the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies. You certainly don't have to look to me, however, to know; you, too, can go to the One who directed me and ask as to the origin, purpose, and meaning of what I was directed to post. I will say, however... and I say this with love and in the KINDEST way that I can... because it wasn't directed to or at you... did not include you... nor concern you... you might not receive much to that effect. But you are certainly welcome to try.

    only god can make judgement....

    Well, not quite. Only God DOES... but He has given such authority to His Son... who can... but doesn't. This was not a judgment, however - it was a response to an inquiry. Someone wanted to know why the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, didn't speak to them. Or, why they didn't hear Him if/when He did. I was directed to tell them that it was because they didn't WANT to hear... didn't believe they WOULD... and they denied that truth, instead blaming the "deficiency" on God. Apparently, doing that was another error.

    anyone else doing so is merely having a "holier than thou attack"....

    Anyone else who judges is indeed having such an attack... and more! I absolutely agree!

    to judge without knowledge is DEADLY....

    Again, I am going to say this as KINDLY as I can, as well: the truth is that that really is what YOU are doing here. Here, you think that because you have read a few lines in a thread you know what has transpired... what IS transpiring. Truthfully, dear one, you do not. I mean no offense, but that really is the truth.

    to PRESUME that jehovah is speaking through,,,,is beyond SCAREY....

    "Jehovah" hasn't said a word, dear one. "Jehovah"... doesn't speak. I mean, I ask you: have YOU heard him speak? I don't think so. Because there IS no "Jehovah." The MOST Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH [of Armies] - which name YOU know as "JHVH"... which is NOT "Jehovah" but is "JaHVeH" (Jah, who breathes into existence armies/Jah, who causes armies to become)... however, absolutely DOES speak... and does so by means of and through His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH (whom you know as "Jesus Christ", but that, too, is an error). And that One, Christ, also speaks. Unfortunately, many don't HEAR him. That was the case here...

    without knowing emotional weaknesses,,,what each person may have gone there mental disability that is not discernable to the public,,,the list goes on....

    Again, I agree: I do not know what is "in" a man/woman; however, there is One that does. All such things. And on occasion he makes such things known to his servants. That One has and will give the benefit of the doubt under such circumstances. Always. In this case, however, those things apparently were not at issue. Rather, my understanding is that there was full knowledge of what was being said about the Most Holy One of Israel... and absolutely no remorse. Even slander. And so the matter was responded to.

    i do not know who you are,,,

    Yes, I know... which is why I must give you the benefit of the doubt. Just as my Lord would. So, I understand your... ummmm... "righteous indignation." But I think you have it backward, dear one. If you were "rightfully hot with anger" it would have been at the one asking why the Most Holy One of Israel did not show Himself to them... and then saying the error was with God, not with them, and accusing Him of being a "bad parent". IMHO, everyone who claims to "know" God, be a "christian," "serve Jehovah," etc., should have stepped up to set the matter straight. Perhaps, though, not everyone has the courage.

    As for me, I could have begged off and said, "Oh, no, Lord, I don't want to post what you've given me on this, because someone isn't going to get or... or like it. Send someone else. Have someone else do it. Please. But please... don't send me because I don't want to have to defend you... or myself... yet, again." But I have moved on past that kind of thinking... and fear, dear Peaches. I didn't obey and post because I think I'm "better" or more "worthy." I obeyed... and posted what I did... because I love the one who directed me to do it... and I will do ANYTHING for him... even risk offending someone such as yourself.

    But I say to you, that there is a VERY good reason that Elihu stepped up and challenged the accusations made against the Most Holy One of Israel by Zophar, Eliphaz, and Bildad... and, to some extent, even God's servant Job. Because the others were NOT speaking the TRUTH about Him. Eliphaz, however, was MUCH more concerned with telling the Truth about the Most Holy One of Israel... than he was about hurting anyone's feelings. Elihu spoke out of loyalty to God; I obeyed Christ, the Holy Spirit, out of the same motive.

    but you have 4000 posts....

    Really? I hadn't noticed. Ah, yes, you're right! Indeed, it was post 4097! I guess it's taken me quite some time get there, hasn't it?

    you take your self imposed strength and pass judgement without accurate knowledge...

    I didn't pass judgment, dear Peaches. I only delivered a response to someone who asked/is asking. That the reply is what it is... is... well, unfortunate. It is also unfortunate that (1) that this even was the response - it really shouldn't have been necessary- and (2) the person didn't hear the response themselves... which they very well COULD have... but didn't... because they don't believe they CAN or WILL hear. And so, they don't. I truly am just a good-for-nothing servant, dear Peaches. And you know what they say about "kill[ing] the messenger"...

    i am so glad i am not you....

    I am glad you aren't, either. Because, given your position that you [know] what this is all about... I don't think you could... or would have done what I did. I think you would have been more concerned about what people "think" of you... or uncertain as to whether you even heard the direction or not... and would have begged off. Rather than obey the Holy Spirit... even if it means someone isn't going to like what you do/say/write... like telling the one offending the Spirit what that Spirit directs you to. Even if it means your life. Like many others, however, you believe my "task" originated from a place of self-importance, ego, and delusion. You think, "Oh, yeah, well, it's easy for her to sit there and post such a thing." But you are wrong, dear one. VERY wrong. It is not easy at ALL. It is simply a part of MY "torture" tree/stake... but which I CHOOSE to carry while following Christ.

    But, it would have been EASIER for me, I promise you... to beg off and not concern myself with the matter at all. To, for example, let the one be handed over to his/her own error... and let the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, and His Son and Christ, show them. I could have done that and it would have been easier for ME (for a start, I wouldn't have had to explain myself to YOU, but it would truly have been arrogant of me to dismiss you and your concerns here).

    I really couldn't have begged off, however. Because it wouldn't have been easier for the person involved. And I am the one who asked for leniency on his/her part, as I said I would. I said I would plead for them... and it was granted. And so my Lord sent me, a lowly servant, back. With a reply. As I related to the person in question, they truly do NOT want to force a manifestation in the manner they are demanding. I know ones who have done so and they tell me it is the WORST thing they have ever done and gone through. Not the physical punishment... for there isn't necessarily that. But the resultant "punishment" to the conscience. I would not wish that on anyone, including the person involved.

    So, if you will permit me, dear Peaches, I will simply be about the "work" that the Holy Spirit has given me... and, again, bid YOU peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • peaches

    what makes you think it was "the lord" that sent you???? even satan can transform himself into an angel of goodness.....are you counting your time?? are you a jehovahs witness???

    you and i would never get,,,i will not write for worring about what people think of me..TOO FUNNY!! your shout is loud,,,and because of inacurate knowledge and judgement again....your shout will NOT be effective...but will land on deaf ears....the "spirit" being blocked by attitude,,,,,not from those "lost",,,,,,but "those" filled with selfrighteous and "mock" humility.....peaches...

  • AGuest
    what makes you think it was "the lord" that sent you????

    Ummm... he identifies himself, dear Peaches (again, peace to you!)?

    even satan can transform himself into an angel of goodness.....

    And "angel" of "light," perhaps... but not THE Light, dear one...

    are you counting your time??

    No, dear one. What would be the benefit in that? To whom would I "report" it?

    are you a jehovahs witness???

    I am not.

    you and i would never get along...

    I am sorry to hear that, and I am not so sure (because others have said/felt that way, but later changed their minds because I'm really not all that "bad"). But since YOU are so sure...

    so,,,i will not write anymore....


    as for worring about what people think of me..TOO FUNNY!!

    Yet, it doesn't "sound" like you're laughing...

    your shout is loud,,,

    No, it was pretty quiet, actually, as am I (yeah, I know - that's pretty hard to believe. I mean, I do talk and express myself, but NEVER loudly. Ever). But perhaps it seemed "loud" to YOU. Perhaps the Spirit "shouted" it... to YOU.. for some reason. I certainly do not know...

    and because of inacurate knowledge and judgement again....

    What, may I ask... was "inaccurate"... and "judgment"?

    your shout will NOT be effective...

    I'm not so sure YOU can say that... unless, of course, you also post here as NVL... to whom it the response was directed... which could very well be the case...

    but will land on deaf ears....

    If you aren't NVL, then I must say, okay, that is your choice. That the message wasn't directed TO you... or FOR you (if you aren't NVL), then I think the fact that your particular ears are "deaf"... is irrelevant. If you ARE NVL... then I would say (1) that's really too bad, but (2) not surprising, given the reason FOR the response...

    the "spirit" being blocked by attitude,,,,,

    Ummm... what? Not sure I follow. Oh, wait! You're saying that you're going to obstinate. Well, okay... that's entirely your prerogative...

    not from those "lost",,,,,,but "those" filled with selfrighteous and "mock" humility

    Well, then, thank goodness and PRAISE JAH! Because I'm not lost, but found... and so "filled"... with holy spirit. By means of which the Holy One of Israel, my Lord and Master, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Holy Spirit and Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel... directed me to make this post. I heard... and I obeyed. And so, it really wasn't up to you, dear Peaches. But I get it that you don't get either of these truths, truly. If you'd ever like to understand, though, I would refer you to another thread, so that perhaps you can get a little "background" and understanding (and I say, perhaps)... and not just jump to rather poor, uninformed, and erroneous conclusion(s)... as you have done here.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • upnorth


    When you reply....

    How do you make those cool boxes appear ?

    What's the magic ?

  • garyneal
    How do you make those cool boxes appear ?

    Highlight the text you want to quote. Select the Styles drop down and select 'quote' in the list.

  • upnorth
    Highlight the text you want to quote. Select the Styles drop down and select 'quote' in the list.

    Thank you !


    Thank you, thank you very much Photobucket

  • notverylikely

    His word to you, however, is that you have not heard His questions to you.

    Then he should speak up.

    I am directed by that One to share the following with you... that perhaps you may NOW hear what it is He has been saying to YOU. Please note, it is written and is "scripture" -

    I see what you wrote. If God wants to tell me something, he knows where I am sitting.

    Indeed, I had left off even thinking of you and moved on just as the Holy Spirit had directed me. But apparently YOU have gone further and asked why... and this time, in sincerity.

    So why didn't got talk to me then? You still are never answering that, just quoting some scripture and using scriuptury sounding words. You yourself said that those that ask in sincerity will hear from god and I didn't. did got tell you I asked in sincerity or are you assuming that?

    Which response has been given to you... apparently MANY times... but you REFUSE to listen. Because you refuse to acknowledge that the error lies with YOU.

    You refuse to answer my questions from before and still do, even though you said if I asked with the right motives I would hear from god. Were you wrong? I am so confused.

    Because every wound needing caterizing experiences some pain. Sometimes, great pain. BUT... if that's what it takes to HEAL the wound... then we put ourselves through it, don't we? You can do this, dear one, if you WANT to.

    I bid you the greatest of love and peace... and strength and courage. You will need to latter two, and the first two will help.

    Again, what's with you and the hubris? You don't know me and presume to tell me what I have done and what's wrong with me and what I need to do to fix it. Why do you think you know all this about me? Where does this arrogance come from?

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