What Is It About Southern Women?

by snowbird 40 Replies latest jw experiences


    I`m gonna put out a Glass of Sweet Tea.....Hide behind a Tree with my Butterfly net..


    Catch me a Southern Woman!!.

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Oh yeah, LeavingWt, your going to have trouble with that one.

    She already knows how cute she is.

  • leavingwt
    Oh yeah, LeavingWt, your going to have trouble with that one.
    She already knows how cute she is.

    Yeah, and she is super-intelligent. A non-stop barrage of good questions.

  • AGuest

    Could it be the way they talk, dear Miz Sylvie (peace to you, gul!)?

    Apparently, the Beach Boys though so:

    Well, East Coast girls are hip, I really dig those styles they wear And the Southern girls, with the way they talk They knock me out when I'm down there The Midwest farmers' daughters really make me feel alright And the Northern girls, with the way they kiss They keep their boyfriends warm at night... BUT... I wish they all could be CALIFORNIA girls!!!

    Peace to you, my sister!!

    SA, a "genteel" California girl - born in the south (Virginia) and raised by the "rules" of the south (i.e., Virginia, where my mom and dad were from, and S. Carolina, where my stepmom was from)... on her own

  • av8orntexas

    Well,I can say from my experience, most are truly sweet and nice. I'm as a native northerner, I find most to be on the quiet side. Caring

    While not trying to make a blanket statement......I've NEVER met so many women, ( again, not a blanket statement, just my personal experience ) as shallow, and flaky as those in California. And I LOVE California. Yet, some of my greatest headaches and heartaches have come from there,lol.

  • av8orntexas


    Just my luck you leave a post right before I do.

  • AGuest

    Yeah, we don't really run too "deep" out here, dear av8tor (peace to you!). I've been here 46 years... and I STILL can't figure out what's UP with that!

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Wait... maybe it's all the sunshine (as in, fried brains)? I'm just sayin...

    And sorry for "overtaking" your post, dear av8tor (again, peace to you!).

    Okay, you can have your thread back now, Miz Sylvie (sorry for hounding in on you, my dear - peace to you!)

    SA... on her own still

  • av8orntexas


    I can say it is an great place to visit. I love the weather. I can only recall bad - see overrcast- weather one or two times visiting there. But I enjoy myself when there.

    Hey, flaky and shallow can be said of many places. To be fair, some of my decisions back then could have avoided alot that as well.

    Needless to say, what;s it like to have sun EVERY day of the year,lol.

  • mindmelda

    Steel Magnolias is the phrase you're looking for.

    I wasn't born in the South, but one of my grandmothers was from Missouri and the other was from Arkansas.

    My dad was born in Arkansas. He is what I call "a southern gentleman" and taught me how to both knee men in the balls when they're being uncouth and also how to be all genteel and ladylike. I can priss around with the best of them. I went to private school as a kid where they gave us lessons in posture and all that charm and manners shit.

    Also, my hubby is from the South, so he kind of added to that..."Be a lady," he says..."but not in private." LOL

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