What Is It About Southern Women?

by snowbird 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AGuest
    Your remark about the "rules" of the South made me smile.

    Oh, yes, my sister (peace, Miz Sylv!)... you know... the language of the "switch" - LOLOLOLOLOLOL! No, seriously, my folks didn't tolerate "unladylike" behavior... and "mouth" - LOLOLOLOL! And growing up in Cali-forni... well, you know the rest... was HARD! Even now, my "manners" throw a LOT of folks off ("she thinks she's"... well, whatever it is they thought I thought I was - LOL!).

    Manners are really not something indigenous to California, I've learned. It's really more of a very informal "free for all" as far as what folks say to and about others out here - LOLOLOLOL! I never really get caught up in such stuff, though, because the "rules" are ingrained!


    SA, on her own...

  • snowbird

    Yes, yes, yes, Shelby!

    "Unladylike behavior" was the main thrust of our conversation.

    I would add more, but my g'daughter wants her precious laptop back, and barring sending her for a switch, there's really nothing left but for me to relinguish it.

    See y'all later.


  • av8orntexas


    Peace and prosperity to you as well. Thank you ! Northern California ? Been to some nice places up there. Monterey, and the aquarium among them.


    You're right. I came out to visit and was in Davis, and it must have been a nice warm 82. This was my first time out there at the time. Well upon getting to San Francisco it was about 55.

    I've learned that much about California. Went to Oxnard to the cowboys traing camp sometime time back and it was noticeably colder that night on the beach than when I arrived in LA.

    Anyone know the name of that sub shop in Santa Monica by the pier ? The guy told me he is from Philly, and he made the best cheese steak subs with shrimp on top !!

  • av8orntexas


    all women from alabama are the best !! My mom is from there. How her and my dad met is beyond me. They couldn't be more different,lol

  • av8orntexas

    I like eastcoast women . Like people from the eastcoast they're brutually honest.

    Here in Texas, there is a bit of the southern belle in the women,but a bit more independence. I feel that is in part to how Texans ( men or women ) are. The attitude here is we can do it ourself.

  • yknot

    Graciousness is instilled from infancy.......

    (LeavingWT..... she is a little Magnolia alright! I bet it don't take two bats of her eyelashes to make you melt and say yes!)

  • yknot
    Here in Texas, there is a bit of the southern belle in the women,but a bit more independence. I feel that is in part to how Texans ( men or women ) are. The attitude here is we can do it ourself.

    I agree we are taught 'independence'.....(though it is muddled in central texas due to the federal govt).

    My daddy insisted I could hold my own professionaly against any man, but I should do so with smile, wit and disarming nature..... There is rarely a need to be bitter or bitchy about things.....no best to kill'em with kindness and win them over!...... well that and it didn' hurt to show a little leg now and then (sigh- Daddy is a womanizer)

  • mrsjones5

    You're "here" in California, dear Josie (peace to you!)? I mistook you for being in "Indiana", girlie!



    Ya, came back to my home state last year. I'm currently to the east of Sacramento.

  • snowbird

    Av8, I'm from Wilcox County in the Black Belt of Alabama.

    Is your mom from thereabouts?

    You can pm me , if you prefer.


  • Terry

    Southern girls are prone (not all, but, most) to be superstitious for some reason.

    If you say something stupid to them they don't mock you; they'll reply, "Oh, how fun!"

    A (southern) woman customer brought in 8 large boxes of pulp Romance "novels" last night to sell. Those "novels" were so lousy

    I wondered if anything at all was left of her brain. So, I guess Sourthern women are romantics, too.

    A woman with nice manners always looks graceful flouncing about on the plantation!

    The South may not rise again, but, Southern men do when Southern ladies enter the room.

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