How Do People Like Sir 82 & Others Who Are Active JWs Do It ???

by minimus 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I appreciate any who tell us what the latest CO's talk is about or what was said at the meetings. I just don't know how you can do it. KNOWING that the "Truth" is false and even laughable, it boggles my mind that you can still go, listen to the spiritual bullshit and maintain.

    How do you do it?

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Brave souls indeed, cause I just could not.

  • undercover

    I wonder that as well, but I'm not in any else's shoes but my own so I try hard to not judge anyone for what they feel they must do.

    Think about this mini... we're out but we're not so completely free of it that we could post our name and photo on this site, are we? We consider ourselves free of it, but yet we're still affected by it, though we don't go to meetings or believe it. We'll tippy toe around it depending on the situation or person.

    Someone like Moshe doesn't understand how we do what we do even as faders and we don't understand how someone like stilla can continue to pretend to be dubs.


  • Lozhasleft

    Its helpful to have people 'in' the know as it were...but I couldnt do it ...I dont know how they hold it all together...

    Loz x

  • snowbird

    Amen, Undercover.


  • minimus

    I make no judgments against those in at all.

    I just think it would be impossible for ME to do what they are doing at this point in time. When I was an elder, it really started getting to me and I just couldn't do it any longer.



    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • notverylikely

    Well, I have my reasons...familial and financial, primarily.

    As to how I:

    - sit through the meetings? I miss as many as I can and when I do go, I mentally laugh at what I hearing or check out the hotties and let my imagination run wild or play poker on my blackberry.

    - Go out in service? About once every two months when I go I make sure to get in the groups that is doing return visits or visiting the older ones on the congregation that are house-bound. They ALL have cats and I am allergic, so I guess I'll have to sit here in car again, darn it, and send text messages to my friends or play poker on my blackberry. An alternative strategry is to have a 12:30 tee time (this works best with another brother). I have a single RV that is a demented old man that is 45 mins away on the other side of county, so we do my RV first, take break, drive back to town and then I gotta go meet brother so and so....see ya guys (yet amazingly I get 8 hours every single month, enough to avoid the hounders but not enough to qualify for anything). I live where you can golf 9 months out of the year, so that one works well. In the winter months I just take a bunch of the younger ones snowboarding on saturdays. Amazingly, I am often too sore to make it to meetings on Sunday...

    - I never answer at the meetings because "I just don't feel like my answers are are good as anyone elses and sometimes I don't know if I am phrasing it right so I don't want to stumble anyone and it just feels like cheating to repeat it back from the watchtower"

    - avoid talking about myself? Generic non-answers and then show a "genuine" interest in what is going on with the other person for two minutes and then i need to run off to talk to another brother real quick before he leaves....

  • notverylikely

    ....although I am working out how to use the generation change and 607 to fade away without any problems....."Look, I am not saying I don't beleive in Jesus or God (although it's obvious everyone here that I don't, that will just soften the blow), but I cannot agree with or teach this change since they are literally making up definitions for words, even the math in the publication is wrong about 1914. Pyramids! I still love the brothers and sisters and KNOW the org is right on SOME things, but this simply CANNOT be true..."

  • snowbird

    LOL at NVL!

    You, sir, are a hot mess!


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