Well, I have my reasons...familial and financial, primarily.
As to how I:
- sit through the meetings? I miss as many as I can and when I do go, I mentally laugh at what I hearing or check out the hotties and let my imagination run wild or play poker on my blackberry.
- Go out in service? About once every two months when I go I make sure to get in the groups that is doing return visits or visiting the older ones on the congregation that are house-bound. They ALL have cats and I am allergic, so I guess I'll have to sit here in car again, darn it, and send text messages to my friends or play poker on my blackberry. An alternative strategry is to have a 12:30 tee time (this works best with another brother). I have a single RV that is a demented old man that is 45 mins away on the other side of county, so we do my RV first, take break, drive back to town and then I gotta go meet brother so and so....see ya guys (yet amazingly I get 8 hours every single month, enough to avoid the hounders but not enough to qualify for anything). I live where you can golf 9 months out of the year, so that one works well. In the winter months I just take a bunch of the younger ones snowboarding on saturdays. Amazingly, I am often too sore to make it to meetings on Sunday...
- I never answer at the meetings because "I just don't feel like my answers are are good as anyone elses and sometimes I don't know if I am phrasing it right so I don't want to stumble anyone and it just feels like cheating to repeat it back from the watchtower"
- avoid talking about myself? Generic non-answers and then show a "genuine" interest in what is going on with the other person for two minutes and then i need to run off to talk to another brother real quick before he leaves....