I can understand many argue that scientifically it is impossible for the earth to remain forever (sun dies). What is wrong with the argument that God could refuel the sun?
The earth survive forever?
by sayitsnotso 53 Replies latest watchtower bible
Take care,
For one thing, it would be the only star "refuelled" out of literally millions observed in all stages of star life throughout the galaxy. Making the solar system pretty damn unique - very much like the old Catholic teaching that the earth itself was "the center of the universe". They were pretty annoyed with Gallileo for teaching that the earth orbited the sun - not the other way around.
For another point, you cannot just keep adding more hydrogen - the state of the sun depends on total mass, gravity, temperature, and so on as much as it does on having hydrogen fuel. Also, - how do you get more hydrogen in? There is no "fuel filler" on the sun - and the fusion takes place in the inner depths, as shown by neutrino mapping of the solar process.
Of course, no rational or scientific argument is going to mean anything to the stubborn paradise earther who will simply say "God can do anything" - so for such a person any fantasy is perfectly reasonable because it depends only on "God".
Black Sheep
Which god?
JW god?
Muslim God?
Hindu God?
The only thng for sure is that you will be dead long before the sun gobbles up this planet, so don't worry about it.
I suppose God could do anything He wants, but don't use it as a resolve for everything. That's the same as telling a child that "magic" is why gravity works. Things we don't know or understand seem to force an answer that is not possible to prove. Regardless, God could refuel the sun, but that is going way beyond the scriptures.
What does the bible say about the future of the earth? Does this sound like God is going to refuel the sun? No, it seems to hint that the sun is going to make the earth "laid bare" by fire and destroying everything man-made. Even the elements will melt and the heavens disappear with a roar. God is not going to need Jehovah's Witnesses to create a "paradise earth".
2 Peter 3:10-14 (New International Version)
10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. [a]
11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. [b] That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.
The Sun is made of hydrogen and helium, surface temperature is approximately 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The Sun generates energy (and light) converting 700,000,000 tons of hydrogen in 695,000,000 tons of helium each second.
Eventually the sun is going to use carbon as fuel, then is going to use heavier and heavier elements, to
For believers, god can do anything. Even gods have to obey the laws of physics. You can't refuel a star.
Take care,
Even gods have to obey the laws of physics.
Good point. But I have a question, has human understanding of physics changed over the years? Has anything thought to be irrevocable been adjusted?
I can understand many argue that scientifically it is impossible for the earth to remain forever (sun dies). What is wrong with the argument that God could refuel the sun?
If you understood it, you wouldn't be asking the question.
But I have a question, has human understanding of physics changed over the years? Has anything thought to be irrevocable been adjusted?
That is the very strength of the scientific method - it never claims to have total and totally accurate knowledge of everything (like the JWs or other bible fundamentalists) - only of the best scientific proof of the time:
As late as approximately 1860-1900 A.D., the leading scientists (including the famous Lord Kelvin) believed that the sun was powered by gravitational contraction. Radioactive processes were only beginning to be understood at the late part of this time.
Kelvin's gravitational sun process would have provided sun's energy for only about 20 million years - far too short to account for Darwinian natural selection, which was also a new development of this time. Lord Kelvin was, however, so famous that his reputation pretty much made Darwin give up on his theories of the age of the earth (at one time he believed earth age was practically infinite).
The answer came from a better understanding of radiation early in the 20th century - Ernest Rutherford among the leaders. This eventually gave rise to modern understanding of the sun process and the age of the solar system.
Still, while the current understanding is of a far older and far longer-lasting sun than earlier science - the sun is still definately not infinite.
And if you understood it, wouldn't you be explaining it in words that the inexperienced could understand?