Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas

by snowbird 76 Replies latest social current

  • JeffT

    Frankly, I've been very pleased with his performance on the bench, also.

    Agreed. People who think he walks in some kind of lockstep with the Republicans should read his dissent on the California medical marijuana issue.

  • beksbks

    Yes Jeff, treasonous. He along with O'connor, Rehnquist, Kennedy, and that scum bag Scalia made a partisan decision to choose the President of the United States over the American peoples wishes.

  • beksbks

    Most recently, he has chosen to allow corporations the right to personhood. They may now buy candidates. If those who would fight on behalf of WE THE PEOPLE are unsuccessful in finding ways to block this, the selling of America will be complete.

  • StAnn

    OMG, Beks is a Teapartier!


  • JeffT

    What the people of the United States wish is irrelevant.

    Article 2, section 1: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors,"

    The Supreme Court ordered the state of Florida to follow its own legislature. If you want a President elected by popular vote, amend the Constitution. Constitutionally, we don't even need to hold an election, the state legislatures could just appoint their electors and we'd go from there.

    Edited to add:

    Before somebody tells me to read something about this I will tell you all to read "Men in Black" by Mark Levin. He offers a really good analysis of some of what's wrong with a number of rulings. For the record, at a personal level I dislike Levin, he frequently sounds like he needs to take an anger managment class.

  • beksbks

    Do your homework Jeff.

  • JeffT

    See my edit Beks. I was anticipating your usual arroganant entirely lacking in facts response.

    Go read something yourself.

  • beksbks

    How rude. It's not my fault you are uniformed Jeff. Weak to edit after a response by the way.

  • snowbird
    Yes, but he's black and this is ultimately what this thread's gonna be about.

    Minimus, I don't know how you could write such a thing when I've posted on so many other issues.

    Are you envious of my Blacknessor something?


  • JWoods

    What I think Minimus may be missing here, Sylvia, is that Anita Hill was black too. It was not a racial issue - it was a partisan political issue, driven by (like you say) a demonstrably crazy woman.

    As for Beks - she just doesn't like the Thomas political position. Therefore, he is automatically guilty of harrassment, and incidentally treasonous in her judgement.

    We have seen this sort of "logic" from this source before.

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