SELF-TESTING for the influences of MIND-CONTROL

by Terry 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    If you have been "brain washed" the control of your thinking has been wrested away from you and diverted.

    Hidden cues have replaced the ordinary path of logical analysis when examining your world.

    Think of this like a detour sign on a highway. You see an arrow point off to the right and you veer from your course.

    Why? You were taught to obey road signs!

    In fact, you aren't allowed to drive unless you absorb the "rules of the road."

    Religious or political indoctrination disables your autonomy. I said "indoctrination". Accepting and believing doctrines means absorbing an ideology.

    This programming REPLACES ordinary fresh analysis with an automatic conclusion. It short-circuits thought. It substitutes a prefabricated conclusion.

    It says: STOP!

    No need to think about this on your own! Here is your conclusion over here.....

    If we are just talking about driving on a highway there is no problem.

    But, if we are talking about disabling you mind from ACTUALLY THINKING about life or death matters......what then?

    We are going to take a test. The purpose of this test is to determine IF you have been brainwashed; if you are still brainwashed.

    If you are like I am you were once a devout believer in the doctrines of the religious group JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. You would have died

    rather than violate those beliefs!

    But--are you FREE to think on your own now?

    Are you actually able to react with a fresh viewpoint and creatively and logically analyze things for yourself?

    If you are STILL INDOCTRINATED you won't be able to do this! You will have an "automatic' conclusion substitute itself IN PLACE OF

    rational analysis.

    Ready to take the test?

    Here is a non-provocative statement. You should easily be able to analyze it and form your own conclusions without triggering any hidden detours.

    QUESTION: Is the following statement absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?

    STATEMENT: Eating a healthy diet will enable most people to live longer. (Absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?)

    Analysis: Did you think about the meaning of the word "healthy"? Or did you answer automatically? Did you consider the role of heredity? Would your conclusion have changed if the word "most" was removed and the word "all" substituted instead?

    Okay? See how this is done? Your job is to ACTUALLY ANALYZE each statement without resorting to an AUTOMATIC response!

    One more neutral try before we test for Mind-Control influences. Ready?

    QUESTION: Is the following statement absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?

    STATEMENT: All humans are born with rights. (Absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?)

    Analysis: Did you pause and ask yourself to define the word "right"? Did you consider if a right was an automatic entitlement or if it were merely the unhindered ability to pursue a certain self-sustaining action? Did the use of the word "All" slow you down?

    Okay. If you are ready now here is your test. You are to analyze each statement with original thoughts while watching out for automatic detours and automatic definitions which short-circuit the PROCESS itself of logical consideration.

    Try to actively sort out the components of these statements as free from ideology and indoctrination as possilbe.

    Here we go.

    QUESTION: Is the following statement absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?

    STATMENT: All true Christians should love their enemies. (Absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?)

    Analysis: Did you "feel" your mind balking? Did a sudden confusion occur or a hesitancy? This is a signal to you. A strong implanted pathway is attached to this statement. It is very difficult to analyze because you have already accepted it as a profound truth into your deepest core of belief.

    Was the phrase "true Christian" difficult to parse? Did this require a presupposition on your part? Was a built-in definition waiting?

    Was the idea of an "enemy" clear to you in the context of "love"? What if you substitute a clearer phrase such as "child molester or serial killer" for "enemy"? Would this change your analysis?

    Get the idea? Let's continue our test.

    QUESTION: Is the following statement absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?

    STATEMENT: The bible is the inspired and inerrant word of God. (Absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?)

    Analysis: Be aware of internal physical dissonances here. What signals were you getting from yourself? Which word gave you the longest pause (if any?) Why?

    Here are six more statements. Be vigilant to your somatic responses and ease/discomfort in analysing the truth content of them.

    ARE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS: Absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?


    1. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if anyone would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.

    2. Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.

    3. You cannot serve God and money. “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

    4. “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.

    5.“Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

    6.I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.

    How do you think you did on our test? We are looking for your REACTIONS internal upheavals, hesitations, conflicts or automatic ease in answering. We are trying to detect a SYMPTOM of programming, implanted detour or indoctrination.

    Give us your responses.

  • straightshooter

    Love the analogy of the driving laws. Yes I fell into the trap of certain phrases and words leaning me to a certain decision. Rather scary how we can be directed.

  • Terry

    I find it simply amazing that ONCE WE ACCEPT SOMETHING AS TRUE we become UNABLE to actually THINK about it any longer!

    Our vocabulary can be hijacked.

    Once a belief system attaches to our vocabulary words it STOPS us from thinking about the truth or untruth factor.

    The phrase "THE TRUTH" is an obvious example.

    Is it the whole truth and nothing but the truth as a one on one correspondence between reality and belief? Or is it a mind-control detour?

    The political labels of CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL are violently hijacked words.

    Phrases are twisted to shape an ideology such as RIGHT TO CHOOSE vs RIGHT TO LIFE.

    The point of brainwashing and indoctrination is to STOP the individual from thinking for themselves in an analytical mode by hiding contradictions with reality and distortions due to hidden presuppositions.

    We cannot AUTOMATICALLY make our conclusions with a knee-jerk mode of non-thought without surrendering our autonomy.

    We can be controlled unless we actively fight against having our vocabulary words hijacked and brain implants sneaked into our minds.

    It begins with the surrender of BELIEF and FAITH.

    We have been constantly prodded since birth to accept those two things as the most wonderful virtues a human being can possess without our ever suspecting we are taking the bait.

  • cyberjesus
    I find it simply amazing that ONCE WE ACCEPT SOMETHING AS TRUE we become UNABLE to actually THINK about it any longer!

    (Absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?)

    Haha not always, but most of the time. We accepted the JWs religion as TRUE and most of us here were ABLE to think about it and re-analize our accepted TRUTH.

    This phenomena occurs in regular people. But members of a CULT are even in a more difficult position because on top of not being able to THINK anymore the cult forbids to think. What a predicament. I am certain the within the CULT there are a lot of trapped thinkers who are unable to protest due to the prohibition from thinking.

    Right now just in YOUTUBE alone there is enough information to let people be aware of the falsehood of the JWs. If ALL of them were able to see it without any prejudice. I think most people would leave the cult. The problem is first that they can not even get themselves to see any of this information. Then if we get them to bypass that and we actually show it to them they automatically close their minds to it. IF we could get them to bypass these two Forced mental blocks we could actually free many people.

    The same thing goes with the Faith in the BIBLE. There is plenty of information available to us that practically could destroy any argument of it being Inspired by a God. But we decide to not believe any of that evidence because the BELIEF and FAITH on the bible are so engraved that no amount of evidence will lead them to reconsider that.

    A man who I consider honest, intelligent, brave, he is my personal hero and I think his thoughts have save many of us.. Ray Franz. Still has his personal beliefs on a God, the Bible and Jesus. I wonder if he has reviewed any of the evidence on the bible, has anyone ever discussed this topic with him?

  • mindmelda

    Shoot, and I paid a guy for 5 years of therapy to do this. LOL

  • Terry

    A man who I consider honest, intelligent, brave, he is my personal hero and I think his thoughts have save many of us.. Ray Franz. Still has his personal beliefs on a God, the Bible and Jesus. I wonder if he has reviewed any of the evidence on the bible, has anyone ever discussed this topic with him?

    Once you get to the very edge and look waaaaaaaaay down it is hard to take the next step unless you know how to fly!

    I think it is possible to go from being at one end of the absolute scale to the other end and still be an extremist caught in an irrational limbo.

    You can be more about what ISN'T true than what IS.

    Jehovah's Witnesses under Russell and JW's under Rutherford went from one end to the other.

    Ray Franz made quite a journey from belief to disbelief to a comfort zone somewhere in the middle. What would think Ray Franz has to gain from further skepticism?

  • cyberjesus
    Jehovah's Witnesses under Russell and JW's under Rutherford went from one end to the other.

    please expand on this

  • tec

    Okay, here are my answers. Think what you will.

    STATMENT: All true Christians should love their enemies. (Absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?)

    Somewhat true.

    I don't like the word 'true' Christians, because it implies a judgment against 'fake' Christians. But yes, I believe we should love (agape) our enemies. Because there are few of us who have not done harm to another person, intentionally or not.

    Treat others as you would be treated.

    QUESTION: The bible is the inspired and inerrant word of God. (Absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?)


    Jesus is the Word of God. The bible is man's best attempt to write down the word of God. It contains translation errors and actual errors.

    1. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if anyone would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.

    Somewhat true.

    I actually tend to think it is true, but that it requires complete and total faith that God is looking out for you. Don't know if I could follow this one so completely - which is perhaps why we have given this so many alternative meanings. (internal upheaval on this one - hopefully I explained why)

    2. Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.


    But of course I know that there are grounds for divorce in the bible.

    (no upheaval)

    3. You cannot serve God and money. “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


    Not that it does not say : do not worry if you will eat or if you will drink or if you will wear clothes, but rather what you will eat or drink or wear. It also is speaking about anxiety in your life. Not giving up your life.

    4. “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.


    (some internal upheaval - and I also think that grace might counter judgment sometimes - whether grace from God or grace from us to fellow man)

    5.“Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

    Somewhat true.

    I know of no one who has faith without doubt, so I can't attest to the first sentence. As for the second point, I know that is elaborated on in the bible, but I would have to say true.

    6.I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.

    False. A product of thinking from the time it was said.

    Since I am only a woman, however, I could be wrong. ;)

    I thought about each question before answering. I hope my explanations show my reactions to the questions.


  • leavingwt
    Jesus is the Word of God. The bible is man's best attempt to write down the word of God. It contains translation errors and actual errors.

    Tammy -- Was it the Bible or personal revelation (or instructions from others) that led you to believe this about Christ? To the non-believer, it can seem circular.

  • PrimateDave

    IS THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT: Absolutely True, Somewhat True, False or Absolutely False?

    "Economic growth is beneficial."

    It may not always be Mind Control. Never doubt the human capacity for self deception.

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