is it possible to paste the whole article in one piece for quoting purposes?
July 15th WT Study Article - Generation PR Fallout to Keep JW's Alert !
by flipper 57 Replies latest jw friends
it is the " evil slave " who concludes the master is delaying
The pulled this crap at the assembly a few weeks ago. Don't get impatient and give up on Jehovah. It is the false prophet that is the problem for Jehovah's Witnesses. It is the false prophet (JW's the organization) that makes people tired and give up. I give up on the false prophet. I can wait for Jehovah and it will be fine if I live to a ripe old age and die without seeing Armageddon. My God I have patience for, I give up on the religious organization that has put itself in place of Christ.
man, its almost like you step out of line for a second and you are an apostate. wow.
Nice catch Flipper! This shit is something, isn't it? Here's a few questions for JW's to baffle them at the door or even during this study article? I'd love to raise my hand during the WT study and ask the following questions:
1.) If Armaggedon is "IMMINENT" as they keep proclaiming, then does that mean we are in the Great Tribulation now?
2.) If we are in the Great Tribulation, then has the King of the North been unmasked, as must happen per Revelation? Who is it then?
3.) When was "Peace and Security" declared? It must be declared first, then "sudden destruction will be INSTANTLY upon them."
4.) Has the Wild Beast turned on all religions, and if so, when did that start to occur?
Of course, asking any of these questions would probably get you thrown right out of the Kingdom Hall. Can you imagine the blank looks and stares during the WT study if you actually asked these questions? The stunned silence would be so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Also, I'd like to point out the numerous articles declaring that the F&DS aren't prophets, are even INSPIRED, (not even any more so then other sheep), yet in this article they claim the direction they give is coming directly from Jehovah God through Christ Jesus to THEM. How is that possible if they aren't a prophet or even INSPIRED? It's not. Do they think people believe YHWH writes on the wall and they just copy it down and print it? This is an amazing contradictory. It jumped out immediately to me, and I don't claim to be a bloodhound on these matters like say Blondie, Mary, Scully, etc. This is just an insane statement - that to question them is to question Jehovah God. Truly, they have elevated themselves above even Jesus.
And with the above, they have proven themselves to be the False Prophets Jesus spoke about - warned EVERYONE against - wolves in sheeps clothing who would came after Him and declare that He had already come, but was hidden (Invisible Presence anyone?) in secret chambers, who would do works in His name but beat down the Flock.
They've just proven to me what I've suspected for a long time now.....they have placed themselves in Jesus' place, taken over His authority, made false prophecies, and ruined so many lives it's unconscionable.
The F&DS are the apostates, not Christendom. For as many faults as Christendom has had throughout it's history and even present day, I don't think they compare to the audacity of the F&DS.
I've seen you bastards for what you truly are. Evil.
- Wing Commander
Its been Damage Control since Ray left. Look at the Fundamentalists here and you see the same mental walls and the same damage control.
Armageddon, Hell Fire fear fear fear same ol mind game...........
Mad Sweeney
the audacity of the F&DS
Audacity works. They know it. You don't need facts, you don't need Holy Spirit (or holy spirit), you just need to have the sack to say whatever you need to say to get people to do what you want them to do. It's tragic but true.
Great thread, flipper!
And thanks to Mickey Mouse for the link...
It does look like they're amping up the pressure to keep the dubs in a state of immediate expectation. The last few years have seen a decline in JW preparedness for Armageddon. Dubs have slowly been assimilated into 'normal' worldly life, and the WTS saw it. So now they're refocusing on "the end".
They're also firing back at those of us who have called bullshit on their failed predictions. People like me are in a position to point out the stupidity of their generation changes to current JW family, but with cult-speak like this article, they're trying to herd the sheep closer in, away from our influence.
I think we know now if the WTS was going to try to mainstream or not... the answer is "NOT".
What a despicable cult...
On pg. 4 , paragraph 6 it states about Satan's influence, " Therefore, knowingly or unknowingly , those infected by the world's spirit allow their minds and hearts to be influenced by Satan, so that they reflect his thinking and attitude. They react to situations on the basis of pride or selfishness, they manifest a rebellious attitude toward authority, and they give free rein to " the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes.
Setting up for mind control in 3, 2, 1...
"I can't disagree with this crap, I'll be just like Satan! It makes no sense, I don't understand why they changed things. I'll be like Satan if I lean on my own understanding. I'll be so selfish. I have to agree or else Jehovah will not love me. Oh my self esteem is taking another nosedive!! Next thing I know I'll be out fornicating and doing drugs!!! Can't have that. Must stay close to the Organization. They will do my thinking for me. I am not a proud or selfish person. I love Jehovah!! But I don't like what this organization is telling me. I'm a bad person to disagree!! Jehovah will not love me anymore if I don't agree with the new light. I know, I'll pioneer! That will make it all better. I'll go out and tell people things I don't really believe so I can MAYBE make it into the New System. Yeah, that's the ticket!"
Lol.... I also like how they are telling people (page 24 paragraph 15) to stay up to date on the publications. Funny how those of us on the outside know more than they do!
Thanks for the replies. Been sleeping, worked all night.
OTWO- Interesting experience for sure in talking with your JW friend. With his comment, " Why can't they leave that alone ? " - It expresses to me that he MAY have doubts within himself which he won't discuss openly with you at any length - however by THAT statement he let down his guard a bit as a JW and let you HEAR his doubt come out if only just a little bit. By stating that inquiring question- I guarantee you he has doubts within himself. He may have given you a crack in his JW armor that you may be able to gradually penetrate in future conversations.
WASANELDERONCE- So a JW oldtimer told you " We don't have to understand it , we have to appreciate it. " Wow. That IS some self deception as you stated. I guess if the WT society told them all to drink poisonous punch and they all died because of it- they'd get the full impact of appreciating it, huh ?
MENTALLY FREE- I hear you. I haven't read their literature either since exiting over 6 years ago myself - however this lurking JW friend ( who posts on JWN ) sends us the latest Witness only WT and copies it off for us - so I can find the mind control jargon in it and share it here on the board. Glad you enjoyed it. It helps us see what they are still filling our JW relatives heads with. I find that helpful in knowing what they know- before I talk with them.
PIRATA- Good point- the " slave class " is certainly NOT discreet or faithful for that matter. They are no prudent OR modest in the least - especially claiming to be appointed by God - or EQUAL with God.
BESTY- Mickey Mouse posted the link.
MICKEY MOUSE- Thanks so much for posting the link ! I appreciate it, so does Besty.
WANNABEFREE- Yes, indeed the WT society blames the alleged " evil slave " for EVERYTHING- when in actuality it is THEMSELVES the GB and " faithful slave " who are continually manipulating dates and giving out false hope to rank and file Jehovah's Witnesses. In all mind control cults- they ALWAYS put the blame on someone else. Either the lack of " faith " in members or the alleged " evil " influences of outsiders. It's NEVER the leaders of the cult that are the problem - in their minds.
YOURMOMMA- Indeed, it is like if you step out of line even minimally - a person is called an apostate now. It's part of the paranoia that the WT society is marketing among the JW's now !
WING COMMANDER- It certainly is some cow dung , isn't it ? I mean, I always thought the King of the North and King of the South crap was just conjecture on the WT society's part anyway- even as a believing Witness- I never bought into it. That- And the stupid " Wild Beast " prophecy. I mean, come on- How the hell do they know something foretold in Revelation in 96 C.E. about foaming at the mouth Beasts meant the United Nations of today ? It's stretching things believe me. How do you go from beasts to the U.N. ? The WT society certainly does put themselves in God's place and Jesus place- I believe they think they ARE God - or at least want to appear that way to witnesses. It would be interesting going to the " overlap generation WT Study " and raising my hand I could say " this is showing that Jesus meant " this generation " is 2 overlapping generations- not one ! But interestingly- the dictionary says a generation is only 30 years long ! " and then hand the microphone back to the mike carrier - see what response I get ! LOL ! I'm possibly thinking of doing this !
DESIGNS- Yes, it has been damage control for the WT society since RAY left- and inculcating a healthy dose of fear, fear, and more fear into witnesses.
MAD SWEENEY- Yes- the WT society uses a healthy dose of audacity and fear to keep witnesses in line. If they can make rank and file JW's fear them as the leaders - then that's half the battle in keeping them in conformity. Fear and intimidation. I believe Hitler did the same thing.
UNDERCOVER- Very true what you say. the WT society IS DEFINITELY trying to keep witnesses dialed in to the alleged " urgency " of the " last days ". AND while they do that - also warn against us outsiders who may tell them this " generation overlap " theory is BS. So- typically like always the WT society tries convincing it's members that EVERYBODY ELSE is wrong- not themselves.
I too have JW family still in that I will attempt talking to about the " generation overlap " theory AFTER they study it at the June 6th - 13th WT study. I will have my family explain it to me to see if THEY even understand it. LOL !
BACKSPACER- Yeah, it's ridiculous. The WT society constantly tells it's members they'll all turn into drug using, fornicating pigs and heathens once exiting the cult. It's definitely a " fear tactic " they instill in members making them frightened to leave the witnesses due to false expectations of WHAT they might become. But most of us become better human beings AFTER exiting the witness cult ! That is the irony of it. And yes- it does appear that we as ex-witnesses know MORE about their publicatins than even the witnesses themselves ! It's because none of them study- they all take in the information on blind faith and credulity - thus they are TOLD what to think, never searching it out themselves ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper