July 15th WT Study Article - Generation PR Fallout to Keep JW's Alert !

by flipper 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    JW FACTS- Good point you make. The WT society never notices the hypocrisy of stating that people will slaughter one another at Armageddon- but isn't that what the God of heavens will allegedly do also ? Pretty strange reasoning on their part.

    BLACK SHEEP- I do plan on asking some of my JW family members to explain this new " generation " theory to me after they study it in the WT study. I agree that having them read to you from their own publications is a good tactic as it makes them hear out loud what they claim. Then perhaps they will see the craziness once they're confronted. But I'm still careful in the MANNER I talk with them. Otherwise, they'll shut down

  • Sayswho

    Are they above Jehovah?.. not to be questioned or ask to provide more evidence to prove what they are saying? What are they afraid of...us finding out the 'truth' or? This is really getting out of hand!

    Example of Jehovah being asked for more PROOF!

    • An interesting case in point is that of Judge Gideon. To be sure that Jehovah was going to be with him, Gideon proposed a test: “Here I am keeping a fleece of wool exposed on the threshing floor,” he said to Jehovah. “If dew comes to be on the fleece alone but on all the earth there is dryness, then I must know that you will save Israel by means of me.” When Jehovah caused it to happen just as requested, Gideon wanted more assurance: “Let, please, dryness occur to the fleece alone, and upon all the earth let there come to be dew.”—Judges 6:37-39.
    • Was Gideon being overly cautious or suspicious?Apparently not, because Jehovah accepted his request both times and did just as he asked. Gideon wanted to make certain of the rightness of his position. Not having God’s written Word as we do, that was a most effective way for Gideon to “make sure.” However, once he received the assurance, he gave strict obedience to the orders from Jehovah even though pitting 300 men against an enemy force of 135,000 would seem suicidal from a human point of view. (Judges 7:7; 8:10) Do we show the same attitude by searching in the Word of God for what Jehovah’s will really is and then sticking to it?
  • agonus

    But, sayswho, the shipment of "coal" was the test! Don't you remember the Proclaimers book? Oh, wait a sec... That was pre-WWII...

    "not to be questioned or ask to provide more evidence to prove what they are saying?"

    Evidently, the word "evidently" is all the evidence that is required.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Sayswho, you make a good point with the Awake! article and it leads to another one that is often overlooked.

    The Awake! is the public propaganda arm of the Borg. They make claims in it often that are counter-claimed by the Watchtower, especially in WT study articles for JWs.

    To the world (via Awake!) they say you must examine your religion and that if you leave it your family would be wrong to shun you. To the Dubs they say you must never examine your religion and that if you leave it your family should shun you.

    To the world (via Awake!) they say that the Beroeans set the example in studying the scriptures in a deep and careful way so that we understand what they actually mean and whether the Scriptures agree with claims from religious leaders. To the Dubs they say you should never examine the Scriptures deeply and carefully without the use of WT literature to help you understand them, and you should always come to the conclusion that the WT understanding is the correct one.

  • Sayswho

    • Mad I have to admit it...it just doesn't matter what's right / wrong / true or false.
    • agonus the coal doesn't ring a bell to me.
  • agonus

    Hang on sayswho... let me consult my Proclaimers book...

  • agonus

    crap, can't find the book... anyone know where I can find it online?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I got ya, Agonus. This is from pages 577-578 of the Proclaimers book. I don't know where it can be found online but I have the CD ROM.

    " After the release of the Society’s president, J. F. Rutherford, and his associates from prison, the Bible Students assembled at Cedar Point, Ohio, in 1919. They considered what God had permitted to occur during the preceding year and what his Word indicated that they should be doing during the days ahead. Announcement was made that a new magazine, TheGoldenAge, was to be published as an instrument to use in pointing people to God’s Kingdom as mankind’s only hope.

    As it had done in the past, the Society arranged for a commercial firm to do the printing. But times had changed. There were labor difficulties in the printing industry and problems in the paper market. A more dependable arrangement was needed. The brothers prayed about the matter and watched for the Lord’s leadings.

    First of all, where should they locate the Society’s offices? Should they move the headquarters back to Brooklyn? The Society’s board of directors considered the matter, and a committee was appointed to check into the situation.

    Brother Rutherford instructed C. A. Wise, the Society’s vice president, to go to Brooklyn to see about reopening Bethel and renting premises where the Society could begin printing operations. Desirous of knowing what course God would bless, Brother Rutherford said: “Go and see whether it is the Lord’s will for us to return back to Brooklyn.”

    “How will I determine as to whether it is the Lord’s will for us to go back or not?” asked Brother Wise.

    “It was a failure to get coal supplies in 1918 that drove us from Brooklyn back to Pittsburgh,” Brother Rutherford replied. “Let’s make coal the test. You go and order some coal.”

    “How many tons do you think I should order to make the test?”

    “Well, make it a good test,” Brother Rutherford recommended. “Order 500 tons.”

    That is exactly what Brother Wise did. And what was the outcome? When he applied to the authorities, he was granted a certificate to get 500 tons of coal—enough to care for their needs for a number of years! But where were they going to put it? Large sections of the basement of the Bethel Home were converted into coal storage.

    The result of this test was taken as an unmistakable indication of God’s will. By the first of October 1919, they were once again beginning to carry on their activity from Brooklyn."

  • Sayswho

    Like reading the info for the first time (or i just forgot it-getting old). WOW never ceases to amaze me. (Thanks, calling it a night)

  • agonus

    Mad, you rock

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