Something that bothers me is that, many JWs especially those born in have been conditioned over the years right from infancy to believe everything from the GB. IMHO, I expect a relatively few numbers to revolt about this new generation change teachnig.
July 15th WT Study Article - Generation PR Fallout to Keep JW's Alert !
by flipper 57 Replies latest jw friends
And something I've been thinking about: Isn't it odd the timing of these study article? During the summer, DC's and a quick going over of the artice during the convention. Woooshh.... right over their heads.
SCOTT 77- It may be true that those who are born-in are deeply entrenched in the mind control for sure. But recently I have noticed a trend of some long time witnesses exiting as well. More than I used to see.
Here is the thing though. Consider this : New JW converts who have come into the Jehovah's Witnesses since the mid 1980's had NO knowledge basically of the failed 1975 " end prediction " by the WT society - however for those of us born in and raised- we have seen ALL the failed predictions if we are 50 or older being raised in the cult. It's easier for the WT society to dupe newbie converts who have been in the last 20 years because they knew nothing of the past screw ups.
I personally know some people who have stopped attending meetings and become inactive due to the failure of the " generation " doctrine and the fact that Armageddon hasn't come yet- nor will it. I think this " generation overlap " theory may end up becoming the WT society's achilles heel the more time that goes by with no " Armageddon " happening
BACKSPACER- Good point you make about the timing of ths article. You see : The WT society prepped everybody with this " generation overlap "by printing the April 15th WT on it. Then they study it at the WT study on June 6th - 13th. Also- All Circuit Overseers are going around to ALL the congregations giving talks to EXPLAIN the " generation overlap " theory. Then- If that's not ENOUGH push- they will be giving talks at the District convention this summer to hammer this " generation " thingy home.
So- The article in the July 15th warning witnesses to be alert to people putting them down for thinking the end is close is a tactic used by the WT society to offset us ex-witnesses who will be warning them about the crap genertion doctrine. So the WT society sees potential for lots of damage here- the WT society is shaking in it's boots about what WE ex-witnesses will tell their members. Peace out, mr. Flipper
"Even true Christian's , who are keeping in expectation of that day, will be surprised by it's suddenness ."
True Christians WILL be suprised ... Jehovah's Witnesses will completely miss it because they were following the Watchtower and it is a blind guide!
Hammer hammer hammer. Pound it in until they become numb. They tell them that they would be wrong in disagreeing, part of the "evil slave". Complete and total mind control and brainwashing! So many Star Trek things come to mind...
There.....are..... 5.... lights!!
Resistance is futile!
Assimilate this..... BOOM!
WANNABEFREE- I think Jehovah's Witnesses will be surprised, Christians will be surprised as well ! It ain't gonna come.
BACKSPACER- Hammer, hammer, hammer is right ! The WT society will keep pounding this stuff into the rank and file witnesses heads until they are so beaten down - they'll have no strength to do anything about it. THAT is the WT society's motive. Cut their members self esteem down and deflate their real human personality's. It's sick and twisted
The following line seems a bit double dutch to me.
During Jehovah's day, those who have been molded by the world and it's evil spirit will display their true nature , even slaughtering one another.
If it is showing the world's evil spirit to slaughter humans during Armageddon, then isn't God demonstrating the world's evil spirit when he slaughters billions of humans at Armageddon?
Weren' t the Biblical Jews showing such an evil attitude when slaughtering humans throughout the Old Testament.
Black Sheep
Hammer hammer hammer. Pound it in until they become numb
We can do the same, except we have to do it till it hurts.
Ask your Dubby the kinds of questions the mug at the door doesn't know about.
Ask them how they feel about the new definition.
Ask them to explain it in words that you can understand.
Ask them to explain it using a dictionary.
If they get stroppy with you, ask them to explain it as though they are talking to a psychologist on national TV, or to an interested person at the door.
Tell them nothing.
If they make a silly statement, insist that they prove it.
If you absolutely have to tell them something, find it in a source that they trust (WT is best) and make them read it to you.
Hammer hammer hammer. Pound it in until ............ it hurts.
Below is from: g91 10/8, 12-13. We are admonished to examine what is being expressed to us...this means everything especially such important matters as this. Shame on them for trying to stifel our ability to reason and confirm what is being said.
The Bible's Viewpoint Why Study the Bible?
- In addition, did you notice what made the Beroeans more noble-minded in character? They eagerly examined the Scriptures. Professor Archibald Thomas Robertson, commenting on those words in Word Pictures in the New Testament, wrote: “Paul expounded the Scriptures daily as in Thessalonica, but the Beroeans, instead of resenting his new interpretation, examined (anakrino means to sift up and down, make careful and exact research as in legal processes . . . )the Scriptures for themselves.” Their examination was not superficial. Those Beroean Jews probed carefully for confirmation that what Paul and Silas were teaching from the Scriptures about Jesus as the long-promised Messiah was true.
- Therefore, following the example of the ancient Beroeans, it is important that we not only read God’s Word but also study it—“carefully examining the Scriptures”—so as to get the meaning of what is said. In this way we can deepen our appreciation for the Bible, and we too become, like Timothy, persons able to ‘save both ourselves and those who listen to us.’ Why? Because, in addition to reading the Scriptures, we have studied them so as to act obediently on what we have learned.—Proverbs 3:1-6.