Cagefighter .... we talked about a plan B- plan Q, are you really sure you wanna go to plan V? LOL No man has come back from plan V the same. God Speed Dude. LOL!!!!!!!!!
Need help picking an engagement ring
by Cagefighter 49 Replies latest jw friends
Cagefighter, my son (recently engaged) bought the diamond from a diamond broker and then took it to a jeweler and had a setting made. It was about half the cost. He did that so that he could get the best quality diamond he could afford.
Don't buy a diamond with the thought that you'll probably return for something she really likes.
Find out what she really does like. If you don't even really know that, it's not time to get the engagement ring.
I bought my wife's engagement ring on Great experience if you haven't checked them out yet! You can easily pick your diamond and setting. Prices were also great. We were so happy that we bought both of our wedding bands as well.
Good luck and have fun with your engagement!
Ha ha Thanks for the Story LEE T...
DARTH- PLAN V, I have no clue... LOL... I am just a planner not planning on doing this for atleast a few more months.
Thank you for the advice on Blue Nile and ST. ANN that is what I'd like to do as well... Thanks for the input.
The ring you give her will be special because it's from you.
I would also suggest going with a white gold band and spend more on a really good quality diamond that is super clear.
My ring is a simple solitare set into the band so I don't knock it around (cause I'm rough with things). It's beautiful, simple, and unique!
Mad Dawg
Be sure you know what SHE wants. Window shop until you know her tastes. I wanted to get my bride-to-be a huge rock. She wanted a smaller one. She felt that the huge one was too big for her hand. So, I got her a smaller, yet higher quality, diamond.
I bought the ring some time after we had last looked at them. She was floored! If shopping does ruin the surprise, just remember that the surprise would only last a few minutes. The ring will (hopefully) last the rest of her life.
Aussie Oz
It should not matter .
it is a symbol of devotion and intent.
Does dollars spent equal devotion?
if it does, something is very wrong.
Cagefighter - I loved the ring. I thought it was perfect - it does not make you look cheap and she should be honored and delighted to wear it. Beautiful.
Good luck.
Mickey mouse
^ What Aussie said. Personally I love Solitaires but I don't wear one. My ring was picked out by my husband, it wasn't expensive and it wasn't my choice. That said, I treasure it because he gave it to me and I will wear it until the day I die.