The next new light from the F&DS could be the Tithe for JW's. It's a logical corporate decision , needed to replace the lost income stream from the publishing side of the WT business. They know that the KH has many inactive slugs who don't contribute any $$ to the business, so this would be the best way to milk $$ from the inactive ones. I would imagine it shouldn't be too hard to come up with a convincing WT article to show that Christians need to tithe and that Jehovah is reinstating the tithe just before the new system of things begins. If that would ever happen, the fading, but legal JW's would face a dilemma. Either, tithe and keep contact with their JW friends and family or ' do not tithe' and get the "boot" from the KH.
Would you still be a JW, if you had to Tithe?
by moshe 46 Replies latest jw friends
Make 'voluntary' donations, or be shunned?
I'm almost sure that such a concept has been discussed at one time or another, but there are too many old timers who remember what was said with regards to donations in the past for that to take hold.
Of course, they could raise money by selling Kool Aid!
I think many would see this as Jehovah pulling the funding from the org and thus his support. I don't see it happening.
The Mormons have been able to enforce mandatory tithing for it's members- it's actually closer to 12-13% of their gross income. They forced JW's to give up smoking in the early 70's- so the organization could be clean just before the New Order started. Yes their was some grumbling and a small loss of membership, but the JW's went along with it. The question ( for legal or fading JWs) is, would YOU, tithe or tell the elders to take a hike?
Don't we more or less already tithe?
We "vote" on a per publisher donation already........
.....and enevitably somebody mumbles about not passing a plate.....
The Mormons have been able to enforce mandatory tithing for it's members- it's actually closer to 12-13% of their gross income.
Do people actually disclose their personal financial information to churches? Are people really that stupid? Unless I'm applying for a mortgage, credit card, or other loan my annual salary is no one's business. Anyone who asks such a question has no hope in hell of getting a civil reply.
Beth Sarim
''I think many would see this as Jehovah pulling the funding from the org and thus his support. I don't see it happening.''
ohh, don't be so sure battar. the BORG is very, very effective in manipulating scriptures into some kind of new understanding. as more & more faders wake-up the exodus will increase. the BORG will find itself in some kind of ''cash crunch''.
there could be watchtower studies on 'tithing' to make the rank & file convinced that 'tithing' could be compulsary. should you fail to comply with the new understanding, this new doctrine could be enforced to make 'tithing' compulsary or face the wrath of a cult.
I worked with a Mormon many years ago and he said he showed his wage statement to the Bishop every year to verify he was tithing the correct amount. Yes, OutLaw, the JW's would all go along with a Tithe- why not? They already let the WT Org tell them whether they can live or die, where blood is concerned. And so far, none of our resident hard-core faders have said they wouldn't pay a tithe.
The answer to the question is NO, I left on disbelief of what was taught and what I was supose to sell to the public.
The WTS. dogmatic doctrines were the reason I made my exit.