Would you still be a JW, if you had to Tithe?

by moshe 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Moshe smart.

  • LongHairGal


    Haven't seen you in a while. But, Nope. I would not Tithe to any religion as I have no use for any of them.

    However, the JW religion is the one who criticized everybody who has full time jobs or college/careers. At least other religions are not so stupid as to condemn their followers to poverty.

  • JWdaughter

    They seem to be getting a permanent

  • JWdaughter

    The seem to be attempting a permanent minimal donation from each congregation now. Who knows the response to those congregations who don't pony up?

    LDS do not excommunicate for failure to pay tithes. It just means you can't do 'temple work' or get married in the temple. You can still be considered a member and will get assistance-just not "worthy" to go tothe temples.

    (sorry for prev. post. My great neice thought she'dhelp with my posting.)

  • blondie

    LDS do not excommunicate for failure to pay tithes. It just means you can't do 'temple work' or get married in the temple.

    Can they go to heaven as a married couple if they are not married in the temple?

    How do other LDS view them if they don't do temple work or get married in the temple?

    But what happens to our families when we die? If you are married by the law of your state or country, will that law have any authority over you when you die? No, because those laws are made by man and have authority only as long as you live under that authority. For marriage relationships to continue after you die, those marriages must be sealed together in the right place with authority that lasts through the eternities. That place is the temple, and that authority is the priesthood (see D&C 132:7, 15–19). By choosing a temple marriage and keeping those covenants, you choose to be able to live forever with your spouse.



  • respectful_observer

    We once had a local needs about donations, or rather the lack thereof, and the PO (at the time) started his talk by reading a letter from the WTS stating that we were now starting to tithe. After a few lines he stopped and said "Of course this isn't a real letter. If you ever hear a letter read like this, you know this isn't the Truth."

    I sometimes wonder what he would do if, in fact, a letter to that effect was read someday. Would he remember his own words? Probably not.

  • 4thgen

    Respectful observer: Excellent!

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