A brother in our old congregation, who was "reaching out" for MS, was told he needed to set up a monthly standing order and fill out a "gift aid" deed of covenant in order for the congregation to get the tax benefits, before he could be considered. This brother was very wealthy and a higher tax payer, so everything he contributed was worth 40% more to the congregation due to from the tax man.
Would you still be a JW, if you had to Tithe?
by moshe 46 Replies latest jw friends
They can make this work and the sheeples would go along with it.
They made really drastic changes in the past and survived.
Witlesses already die without blood because they are convinced by the Gibbering Buddy - thithing can be brought in too, with barely a murmur.
There was an illustration in a Witchtower of a man making an offering and promising "a tenth of everything I have I will give to you." Yet this was not part of the article it accompanied. They are already planting the idea, with their November studies, and booklets on how to contribute.
At one time the door to bore misery was not obligatory, yet now everybody is expected to do it.
HB- they already know their old business of selling literature is broken. They don't even push the new books the JW's get at assemblies to the public anymore- cheap paperbacks for the JW brethren. Just as being a Pioneer was held up as the goal for all JW's, they could make tithing the goal for all JW's. Tithing would probably, make it hard to recruit new JW's from the outside.
It's my opinion that they don't dare even consider this in this bad economy. Biblically speaking tithing was done away with along with the old law covenant. I think they'd hemorrhage publishers very badly. I also think it would send the message that the time of the WT magazine is over if finances got that bad. People would be freaking out like crazy.
-People would be freaking out like crazy.
This new generation dogma just extended the start of the New Order for another 40-50 years, and you would think JW's would be freaked out over that, too. But they won't do anything at all, but take it up the Keester. I think, you over estimate how much abuse the JW's will tolerate. The WT org is a master at controlling JW's- if they wanted to roll out tithing they could get it done with minimal loss of members. The non-payers who leave- so what?- the WT org. could care less about losing them. Just another bunch of unfaithful, rebellious and weak ex-JW's that they can demoninize.
"Tithing is what Christendom does!"
That's what I would be saying to all my "in" family if the WTS ever tried obligatory financial contributions from its members.
"Tithing is what Christendom does!"
So the WT just coins a new term for the contribution policy. They don't have to call it tithing. They already have plenty of made up terms unique to JW's and the brothers never question the veracity of any of that terminology.- well, the ones who question are on this forum now.
OutLaw you are right, I missed that.
Criminals should be real glad that a JW court didn't sentence them to just a generation in prison for their crimes.- oops, your generation-sentence just got extended by another 70-80-90 years!!
The Finger
I would only ever give if i was motived by my heart.