Why do all intelligent Christians disobey Jesus?

by StoneWall 347 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento
    PSac isn't really dead in his trespasses and sins... He's just a little sick with a cold

    It's an allergy ;)

  • PSacramento
    Because all Christians are sinners in need of God's mercy.

    A little something called Grace.

  • PSacramento
    Or does it mean that holy spirit has a role even more dynamic within the believer than a Pope, a Calvin or a Fred Franz can tolerate?

    The HS is THE guidng force for itis the spirit of God, incorruptable, unlike man.

    The Bible is essential for our understanding, it is crucial we understand IT and WHO wrote it and WHY and under WHAT circumstances, perhaps even more so the OT.

    Calvin had an opinion, as did Luther, as did Augustine, as did Fred Franz and Russell before him, and so many others.

    Nothing wrong with that, untill opinion becomes doctrine.

  • not a captive
    not a captive


    Regarding Heb 10:26,27

    Sometimes a very imperfect marriage continues because one person sees that the other has a hard time believing or trusting in the love of the other. Sometimes a persons endures through that and doesn't give up.

    But sometimes a person has a mate that looks them in the eye and you find that they recognize everything that you have done , and they just don't want you.They have married you , you came through on all you should have done. There is nothing you can do to save the marriage. There is nothing to endure, because they other person walks away.

    As to the what the "raging fire" consists of, do you have any ideas?



    You should be a marriage guidance counsellor.

    Or write a holy book of your own. I'm told it's all the rage!

    Even though I don't agree with it, what better way could someone show their total faith and trust in Jesus than to give up all things and totally rely on him to provide them with their bread for each day etc.? That would require som eextreme faith. I can't even put faith in people I've known most of my life to catch me if they say prove your trust in me by falling backwards into my arms and I'll catch you.

    If someone lives like this then they would have the gift of faith as indicated in 1 Corinthians 12:9. However, you cannot fault people who have not been given that type of faith for living in that manner. Besides, the full course of Scripture clearly teaches that believers are to support themselves. Perhaps you are grasping at these straws in order to justify your own unbelief?

  • leavingwt
    Nothing wrong with that, untill opinion becomes doctrine.

    For the believer subscribing to Sola Scriptura, our opinions are of no concern. God has spoken clearly through the pages of the Bible. Doctrines are either true or false, etc. Using the Bible alone, we can pick specific teachings of men and label them as true or false.

    For everyone else, Jesus or the Holy Spirit will often "tell" the person what is true -- directly. Scripture would not trump what the Spirit tells them, the Scripture would be reinterpreted or left alone as a mystery.

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Gladiator, The problem I have in writing my holy book is that the words don't seem to mean what I say.

  • PSacramento
    For the believer subscribing to Sola Scriptura, our opinions are of no concern. God has spoken clearly through the pages of the Bible. Doctrines are either true or false, etc. Using the Bible alone, we can pick specific teachings of men and label them as true or false.

    The problem with "sola scitura" is that doctrines ARE interprtations of biblical passages, so God is NOt speaking via the Bibel, but via the interpreter, as in the case of Fred Franz for example.

    See the problem?

    For everyone else, Jesus or the Holy Spirit will often "tell" the person what is true -- directly. Scripture would not trump what the Spirit tells them, the Scripture would be reinterpreted or left alone as a mystery.

    Thing is, it is not just about the HS and Jesus ( shocking I know) but also about what we know to be fact.

    Genesis is an example, go we take it 100% literally or do we take it as a metaphore or simply as a story of creation?

    How do we reconcile it with what WE KNOW to be FACTS about the development of the Earth, and man and animals?

    Faith must be tempered with logic and reason and while we can remain open to what we don't know, we must reconcile what we do know.

  • not a captive
    not a captive


    The shibboleths of non-material doctrine are the very things that people got burnt alive for: for instance: Jesus bread IS his flesh, wine IS his blood.

    But how we personally act after making our profession of faith--That is what is behind Jesus' words perhaps--By their fruits you will know them? And these practical teachings--love you neighbor as yourself--aren't these less debatable?

    And finally, Isn't it wonderfull that Jesus said "But the one who does not know[his master's will] and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much more will be asked."

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