I had corrected "polarize", before your post, Stonewall.
But I am not in doubt that you understood my meaning anyway. I suggest you not waste your time proofreading my posts--they are usually filled with mistakes of various sorts. I have been used to having my grammar corrected during troublesome disputes with my vastly better educated husband; so I recognize passive aggression when I see it.
My intent is not to debate or to improve the English on the board. I am trying to comb through the genuinely trying circumstances of life.And after 20+ years of JW life, I do still believe there is that is benevolent and powerful being that I knew before my "captivity". But it is trying to sort through the practical aspect of faith knowing my mind is limited, my time is limited, and the source material is not completely trustworthy.I found this site two months ago and I value tit for many things but mostly for the fine heckling that goes on here.
It may be foolish to say this, but I do try to understand what Jesus teaches. I had lived for years without utilities and soon many conveniences will be lost to me again. Some would say that living like a backwoods tinker is how you follow Jesus. But I don't think it is. One disciple, Joseph of Arimathea, had money or resources enough to wrap the body of Jesus in yards of fine linen and put him in some prime real estate for burial yet a rich young ruler was told to sell what he had and give it to the poor. It isn't being broke that makes us a disciple--it's just not letting your circumstances, rich or poor, impede the call to follow. "Do not be anxious..."
The concerns that rationalists and christians deal with are the same, these issues of fear and poverty and death. No one I know lives where these things cannot ever intrude. But internet access has put me into a realm that definitely obscures class perceptions--I know, because I definitely did not have it nor know how to use it until five years ago when the youngest of my seven children had to have it for school. And instantly I , like my daughter, could put a shine on a thought if I had the time. I could access conversations and information that was absolutely unavailable before. And while it allows me a voice in sharp forums and around well educated people I am most interested in examining the truth of Jesus teachings.
My life has been very interesting but not prosperous.Its been physically primitive a lot of the tim and poor all of the time.I have lived alot without certain modern conveniences. And soon my precious computer will go with me when I move back into the Ozarks. I will be closely engaged with the birds of the air and the lilies of the field again --and no internet for a while at least.
I don't know anything about you.That generally is not necessary in these debate/discussions. But there was a tone in your post ---maybe I'm wrong---that told me your words did not come from a fair place. Forgive me if I am just overly sensitive in this. Because I can assure you, though I am not afraid of having any or all of my thoughts knocked down, and I do welcome a good solid punch to a badly set idea, I only ask for good motive. I don't have much time.
Now, I stand by my saying that Jesus did not bind himslf to scripture. Of course he used it, of course. But why be bound to them when they only poorly reflect God's mind? The Law so obviously was filtered through men's minds and words. If Jesus was there basically as God's editor as the Logos, why would he have to give place to the earlier draft of the script? Matthew 19 for example?
What do you think of Jesus comments on the law of Moses?