"Thats the problem Alice. You're not making me think. You're not a very stimulating person I'll tell you that. I'd venture to guess you're quite single and not because you're being chaste either. You haven't done a very good job supporting the WT's position on anything. One of the things that got me lurking on this forum and eventually joining and posting was the collage of ideas. Valid positions that can be supported scriptually. I've been on here about a year now, and upon reflection I've found somethings I believe the WTS has nailed. Other things I believe they haven't got a clue on and haven't been entirely honest in their publications. While lurking here, there were real JWs posting. Some of Renaia's posts where stimulating. Other JWs as well. You're not a real JW. I'm starting to wonder if you're demon posessed. The avy you use appears very demonic in nature. It's very dark and is something I believe John warned about when he stated there are many AntiChrists. You're an AntiChrist, Rachel. Turn back before its too late."
I do have some problems right now.
The United States leads the world in understanding the importance of overall health and well-being to the strength of a Nation and its people. What we are coming to realize is that mental health is absolutely essential to achieving prosperity. According to the landmark “Global Burden of Disease” study, commissioned by the World Health Organization and the World Bank, 4 of the 10 leading causes of disability for persons age 5 and older are mental disorders. Among developed nations, including the United States, major depression is the leading cause of disability. Also near the top of these rankings are manic-depressive illness, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Mental disorders also are tragic contributors to mortality, with suicide perennially representing one of the leading preventable causes of death in the United States and worldwide.
The U.S. Congress declared the 1990s the Decade of the Brain. In this decade we have learned much through research—in basic neuroscience, behavioral science, and genetics—about the complex workings of the brain. Research can help us gain a further understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying thought, emotion, and behavior—and an understanding of what goes wrong in the brain in mental illness. It can also lead to better treatments and improved services for our diverse population.
Before you go making fun of me because I'm recovering from a mental illness:
In fact mental illnesses are just as real as other illnesses, and they are like other illnesses in most ways. Yet fear and stigma persist, resulting in lost opportunities for individuals to seek treatment and improve or recover.
I didn't address thetrueone's information about suicide because if it wasn't for God I wouldn't be making a recovery. I don't listen to unconfirmed stories. I can confirm what I'm saying if someone is actually interested.