What is the point in disproving the 1914 prophecy may ask? If the 1914 prophecy isn't true your not going to be destroyed by God like refuting Pascal's Wager means you may not go hell? Something to this effect?
Now you seem to be saying that overall the Bible is true, and that 1914 is not a big deal. Really? If 1914 is wrong, then the WT is wrong for defending it.
I have taken Pascal's wager; I declined to bet, especially to the WT. You see Pascal's wager, and see the need to confirm every crazy date the WT espouses.
It is important to them because they hang their hat on that date, though less so as time goes on, having to stretch 'generation' into at least 2 'generations', a breathtakingly stupid explanation.
Try to separate 607 from all other things in your thinking, just consider WHY the WT still hangs onto it, even why they came up with it in the first place.
Consider the historical origins of the idea; this obsession with chronology is common in the 1800's, esp with William Miller, a big influence on CT Russell.
The craze around Miller disappeared for the most part when his date came and went; Russell picked it up and tried to extend the date, over and over and over again. Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz, they all hung onto it. When Ray Franz tried to tell them the idea was flawed, they threw him out without considering he might be right.
(Here is another date you should try to defend to us: 1975. Or even 1994, the last year any witness talked about a generation being 80 years long, when for years we said at the VERY MOST 80 years. Some of us, myself included, skipped college and went into trades, because the 68 Awake said we would NEVER graduate college or have a career in this system. Now my children have to face high unemployment with no higher schooling, as the WT demonizes college at every convention).
You seem to need this date of 607 to be right, but all indicators are that it is wrong.
Are you beginning to realize that so much of your belief system hangs on one date? That if they are wrong about this, and they certainly are, then what about everything else?