Jw's at one time said or implied df-ing or excommunication was a pagan practice.... See "Are You Also Excommunicated?" Jan 8, 1947 (wt?) only have time to type the following-
talking about the Catholic Church....... "The authority for excommunication, they claim, is based on the teachings of Crhist and the apostles, as found in the following scriptures.......... But the Hierarchy's excommunication, as a punishment and 'medicinal' remedy (Catholic Encyclopedia), finds no support in these scriptures. In fact, it is altogether foreign to the Bbile teachings. -Hebrews 10:26-31
Where, then, did thhis practice originate? The Encyclopedia Britannica says that papal excommunication is not without pagan influence, "and its variatiions cannot be adequately explained unless account be taken of several non-Christian analogues of excommunication."................
the weapon of excommunication became teh instrument by which the clergy attained a combination of ecclesiastical power and secular tryranny that finds no parallel in history. "
sorry for any typos or if it has already been posted, in a hurry and my jw is hanging around