21:) Can you explain what John 5:23 is teaching?
Jehovah's Witnesses honor Jesus as Jehovah's chief spoke's person on Earth and Jesus is the head of the congregation. However, Jesus Himself said that he would go to His God and our God who is His father Jehovah.
22:) Are Christians saved by Undeserved Kindness through Faith, or do Christians have to perform "good works" (field service, meetings, etc.) in order to be saved? (What did Paul teach at Romans 4:4-8, Romans 11:6, and Ephesians 2:8-9?)
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that although we are saved by our faith, our faith must be exercised and we must endure to the end. Remember, faith without works is dead.
23:) Can you explain what "Theocratic Warfare Strategy" is, and when would Jehovah's Witnesses use this strategy?
When anyone comes to tear down the brotherhood rather than build it up, we must ask, is this person acting in accordance with his father who is Satan the Devil?
24:) Can you explain why the New World Translation inserts the name "JEHOVAH" 237 times in the Christian-Greek Scriptures where it is NOT FOUND in ANY Greek Manuscripts that exist?
While the divine name may not have appeared in the greek, the parts of the greek that reference the hebrew old testament containing God's name should have it restored.
25:) Can you explain why four Blood Fractions are FORBIDDEN (Plasma, Red Cells, White Cells, and Platelets) while ALL OTHER Fractions are acceptable (such as Hemoglobin)?
As stated earlier, when the blood has been sufficiently broken down into fractions then it is no longer considered blood.