I read this thread earlier but refrained from posting because I want to avoid the hype about certain trolls, but...well, I do have a couple of thoughts anyway...
The thread title questions: Is it unacceptable to stand up for Jehovah's Witnesses on a site called Jehovah's-Witness.net?
In a word, No - it's not unacceptable to defend JWs. But there are lots of variables that can expand that answer to "well, maybe" or "only in certain things" or "what are you, nuts"
Certain posters are pro-JW but aren't here to defend the faith so much as they just want to agitate and rile people up. They're trolls, pure and simple. Their hit and run attacks never resolve anything, they never answer questions, they never clear up mis-understandings. Their posts are meant to piss people off...and they work.
Their antics work on a board like this because this isn't a hobby board, for mundane things like cars or movies or whatever. This is more of a support forum...for people damaged/hurt or dealing with a religious cult. Therefore feelings run high and people react quicker than if someone insulted their car or favorite pop singer.
At the same time there may come along a defender of the faith that, while in error, may think they're really going to "help" us. Of course, that instance will be rare, but when it does happen, they may not be so timid or quiet. JWs are programmed to believe that they alone have the truth. And if one is here to debate or defend, then they're probably going to pretty staunch about it. And that attitude can come across as arrogant. But if they're willing to actually debate and try to defend the teachings without trollish behavior I think that it's perfectly acceptable that they be here. Who knows who all is lurking and reading...and learning? Allowing JW defenders to try to defend their teachings against the shared knowledge of posters on this board is probably more revealing to hidden lurkers than we realize.