Notice the books you posted UNDIE - the ones about One true God or not 3 different ones, then the 3 distinct which share the nature of God, are completely diff books.
TRINITY Challenge for JW's, Unitarians and Anyone Else
by UnDisfellowshipped 457 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hear O Israel . the Lord our God is three in one Gods
In the Shema, (Deut. 6:4), the word for "God" [Elohim] is plural, and the word for "One" is the same Hebrew word used for a husband and wife becoming "One" flesh.
See, now that's taking a page right out of Fred Franz's Raison de etre book of 'How To Be A Contrarian'.
A good explanation of monotheism from the Historical Jewish and Islamic perspective is found on p.224 of the work: 'The Book Of Jewish Knowledge" by Ausubel.
Just providing facts, designs.
Have lunch with a Rabbi and a Imam........all will be clear.
That would be an extremely interesting and eye-opening and thought-provoking lunch.
Joey Jo-Jo
To add to this discussion, I found chapter nine of Eric Chang's book about John1:1 interesting and different, that the bible does not show the "word" to refer to Jesus, and other interesting stuff.
His book is available online.
Joey, you're asking one of the biggest Cults on earth to be objective, reasonable, historical and logical...good luck. Its one of the biggest brainwashing campaigns to have been wreaked upon humanity.
Joey Jo-Jo
I don't follow, what has that got to do with my post?