The author's book is a challenge to the Nicene Creed among other post biblical creeds that sought to define G-d.
TRINITY Challenge for JW's, Unitarians and Anyone Else
by UnDisfellowshipped 457 Replies latest watchtower bible
Joey Jo-Jo
Ok, sorry but I only read chapter 9 and I still don't follow.
"Joey, you're asking one of the biggest Cults on earth to be objective, reasonable, historical and logical...good luck."
Who's the cult?
"Its one of the biggest brainwashing campaigns to have been wreaked upon humanity."
Your referring to the book?
Western Christianity
Joey Jo-Jo
I see, well I am open minded and decided to add this to the discussion, I still don't entirely understand your posts because I was just adding a book I found interesting and different.
And the fact remains that the bible's teaching on trinity is not entirely clear as the teaching of God's nature is obscure, and the bible also makes the point that its not for us to understand, that understanding would mean to be like God. Also the prophets and apostles did not teach trinity.
OK, I've faithfully read through all 21 pages of this tumultous thread, and I don't see the below subject touched. I do apologize for digging up a slightly older thread, but the below is one of the clinchers for me, and this is the most recent Trinity thread. I can see there are lots of *hints* of the Trinity doctrine in the scriptures, but nothing absolutely explicit.
Question : How do Trinitarians reconcile the idea of Jesus being appointed a mediator (1 Tim 2:5), when by definition, a mediator has to be a separate party/entity/being to make a covenant legal and ensure both sides are treated "fairly" according to the terms of the covenant?
Think About It
Question : How do Trinitarians reconcile the idea of Jesus being appointed a mediator (1 Tim 2:5), when by definition, a mediator has to be a separate party/entity/being to make a covenant legal and ensure both sides are treated "fairly" according to the terms of the covenant?
Or Jesus being appointed as a high priest meaning a separate entity for that matter. Don't count on getting an answers that make sense.
Think About It
Think About It,
From a trinitarian perspective, Jesus being both God and man, he is only one who is truly able to mediate between his Father )a distinct Person from Jesus) and human beings.
I don't see why being both God and man is a requirement of being "truly able" to mediate a covenant between God and men. All of the bi-lateral covenants between God and humanity in the Bible have been mediated just fine with a human serving as mediator. Why is a God-man a needed requirement for the new covenant?
2nd question : I'm reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and skipped a bit ahead to the part about being begotten versus being created. I understand the difference between the two and the logic displayed, so the question is this :
What do Trinitarians believe are the difference(s) between being "begotten" and being "created," in the sense of not having existence, and now existing? How can a "begotten" Person in the Godhead be uncreated?
Joey Jo-Jo
All my confusion started from the KJV of 1 Tim.3:16 “God was manifested in the flesh, this was the most direct support for trinity however its false because older greek scripts had "He" instead of "God"
According to evangelists trinity is something that could not fully understood it its supported in the bible, lets make it perfectly clear that Jesus or the apostles never said that you most believe in the deity of trinity..never. Hate to say it but JW has some good material about trinity, but I dont agree that its pagan, JW literature are quick to demonise trinity by saying that its pagan because they dont want people to know of all the different greek manuscripts that came from the bible, to the point that scribes were changing things so the bible in a whole could be read in context (not really, its still full with contradictions)
Gorwell, Joey- you are asking all of the right questions. The answers you will hear, if the Fundamentalists here choose to not shun you and actually answer, will be interesting, sort of the way lifting a 400 lbs weight over your head is a good way to get a hernia.
Its usually- the final stock answer is you cannot understand unless you have been Born Again and have the Holy Spirit they way they have it.