You can't have purpose without intelligence,and.
You can't have intelligence without intelligence.
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
by D wiltshire 46 Replies latest watchtower bible
You can't have purpose without intelligence,and.
You can't have intelligence without intelligence.
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
And you can't have Aunt Jemima's pancakes without the syrup.
Yeah, It's like the spring without the fall.
There is only one thin worse in this universe,..That's no Aunt Jemima's
AT All!
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
You can't have purpose without intelligence
As always when I hear a definitive, I look for the exceptions. I wonder if this is actually true. What is the purpose of a piece of luggage? Right, to allow you to carry things easily. Does a piece of luggage have intelligence? No. Yet it has a purpose.
I think the initial premise may be flawed and needs further modification.
But there has to be intelligence to both design the luggage for its purposes and to have intelligence to determine that something is needed to carry the stuff.
Yes, but that's talking about outside influences. I'm talking about the luggage itself. It has a purpose, yet has no intelligence. No matter how much intelligence may exist around the luggage, the luggage does not have any, yet very much has a purpose.
It only has a purpose because you have given it one.
A spirit creature would not need luggage to travel so it would have no purpose ( ex.does God need luggage when he travels? no. so it is purposeless). The quote doesn't say that an item can't exist without intelligence, just that you can't have purpose without intelligence. It takes intelligence to find a purpose (think two sticks rubbed together to make fire, think duct tape etc.)
Inanimate objects cannot have a purpose they can only be assigned one by a thinking being.
Seeker: I like your train of thought it is important to take the time to find exceptions to the definitive instead of blindly accepting what we are told (well I learned something from the whole JW deal.)
So even though I disagree with your premise I will also try to work on finding the exception.
The interesting portion of this thought is how it may apply to the origins of life. For example, did the sea of ooze ( if it existed) not have a purpose until outside intelligence ( God) give it one by putting it together to form life? Or Does a sea of ooze have no purpose, like other inanimate objects without the input of outside intelligence?
Well, with the origins of life, you would have inanimate material with no intelligence that somehow mutates into a reproductive organism. It survives and passes on its genetic material in whatever proto form it was back then. All those organisms that didn't pass on the 'reproduce and survive' impulse died off. Those organisms that did pass on the 'reproduce and survive' impulse propagated. Therefore, a purpose was born that had no intelligence behind it. We see the same process at work with certain types of cellular organisms -- no intelligence at work, just a process, but the purpose is clear: survive and grow.
You didn't even understand it:
I wonder if this is actually true. What is the purpose of a piece of luggage?...Right, to allow you to carry things easily. Does a piece of luggage have intelligence? No. Yet it has a purpose.It took intelligents to asign purpose to the luggage. I guess you didn't think it threw before you formed your opinion.
I think the initial premise may be flawed and needs further modification.
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?