I truly hope you take the time to read carefully all of the posts, quotes and links that were posted in reply to you over many pages here. People have spent an awful lot of time, research and energy in answering your points pretty thoroughly and you seem to breeze past 99% of them as if nothing was said. I personally suspect you don't really read what is written as I cannot imagine anyone with an ounce of reasonableness or love of God and truth reading what you have been shown and not being deeply, deeply concerned about the words and actions of their organization. Remember, we have all been exactly where you are now. There is nothing different between us except that we have experienced and eventually shrugged off the conditioning which still clouds your mind. It is frustrating in the extreme to deal with someone who defends the indefensible, ignores the obvious and is immune to facts and Scriptural truth. But that is what living as part of a cult will do to you. We know whereof we speak. Many here were deeply wounded and affected by their experience as JW's and so don't expect all of us to greet you with warmth when you defend unquestioningly a deeply destructive and abusive Organization in the face of overwhelming damning evidence. Don't mistake that hurt and frustration for 'malice'. One day, you'll realize, because you'll likely find yourself in our position. The truth can't be resisted forever, not if you continually allow yourself to be exposed to it.
You asked Mary "You obviously have no reservations about trashing the name of Jehovah's Witnesses. That could be a good thing if you can explain what religion teaches the Truth"
If I may answer you with my perspective - you are supposed to be a Christian. So you already know what the true Religion is: Christianity. The JW's have confused you by speaking of different religions when that wasn't indicated in the Bible. There is Christianity, which is a religion, and all Christian denominations are part of that, JW's included. They all together - including JW's - constitute 'Christendom'. Sorry to break it to you, but you are still part of 'Christendom'. The Apostasy set in during the 1st century and it is still going. No religion has 'come out'. Those dates for such events that the Society gave, like so many other of their dates, were wrong, presumptuous and premature. All these denominations are all deficient and in error in various ways, some more than others. JW's are just another Christian denomination, and not even a very good one, as you'll discover in time. They are like the congregations in Revelation, some weak some strong, all with their flaws, some catastrophically so.
So, which 'religion' will you go to? You're a Christian, so go to Christianity. Go to the Bible - free of men's interpretations. Go to Jesus. Go to others who do the same. Stop thinking in a fleshly way. Stop thinking about supposed "Organizations' and "Religions', neither of which are discussed in the Bible. Stop being a 'slave of men'. Think spiritually. If you do that, you might in time be guided as to which denomination or group you might associate with within the religion of 'Christianity', in order to best live as a free Christian. That would be my advice.
You ask "where should we go away to", but that's the wrong question. It's the physical question. The correct question is "Whom shall we go away to" and you already know the answer. You go away from lying, destructive, "visible organizations" and you go "away to" the one you believe "has sayings of everlasting life", and you wont find him in this or that Organizational "mountain", you'll find him "in spirit and truth". John 4:21-23.