Christianity gives you.........umm.......uh.............................................?

by Terry 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The Finger
    The Finger


    Faith is difficult.

  • PSacramento
    Whenever others respond to Terry 's topics with the Bible, they are not listening to Terry. How many times and ways does he have to explain his conclusions that the Bible means absolutely nothing to him.

    He does protest too much sometimes ;)

    Try answering him without the use of scriptures. You probably can't, because that's all you have to lean on. Can you use reasoning and logic to respond to his topics. I know it's a challenge to you your "THINKING" ABILITY" when all you have is scripture to do the thinking for you.

    Well since he doens't consider personal revelation as valid either....

    Terry is a great guy, smart as a tack and has a good sense of humour, we all appreciate his posts, even if we don't all agree with them.

  • tec

    Try answering him without the use of scriptures. You probably can't, because that's all you have to lean on. Can you use reasoning and logic to respond to his topics. I know it's a challenge to you your "THINKING" ABILITY" when all you have is scripture to do the thinking for you.

    Terry uses a scripture to get things going sometimes, and sometimes uses scripture to reject scripture - so he opens that door himself. And no one here used scripture to respond to him even once.


  • ziddina

    Aw, Terry!!

    Don't be so hard on Christianity!!

    It gives people a delusional fantasy that regresses them back to the time when they wore pj's with footies and had a soft, snuggly blankie to burrow into at night while they felt absolutely 100% safe and protected, without really knowing anything about the "BAD THINGS" that were "out there" with the "Others" that they were supposed to be afraid of...

  • nicolaou
    Faith is difficult.

    Quite the opposite, faith is just too easy. Any ignorant, uneducated, superstitious, isolated Amazonian jungle dweller can have faith. Shedding faith and embracing reason is the difficult thing - but it's far more rewarding.

    Faith is dangerous.

  • AGuest

    The roils. At least, that's my response (no offense to anyone who still believes in it, though...).


    A slave of Christ, who isn't the leader of "christianity"... not by a long shot...


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Poor Terry. He just wants back what the WT stole from him. That's what happens when you put your faith in men. I can't blame him either, after all the WT made promises to him THEY couldn't keep.

    I think Terry is mad at God because God didn't keep the WT's deal. He wants his life back. I'm sure Terry sacrificed a great deal.

    Sorry Terry, I can't help you with that. But, I do agree with you on this point "Christianity gives you NOTHING".

    If you try to live the LAW to gain brownie points with God you will get NOTHING. If you think you can give time (like years of your life) to impress God you'll get NOTHING. If you sacrifice things (possessions) to get from God you recieve NOTHING but disapointment.

    Christ, on the other hand, gives everything for free.

    I have been so blessed in this life, and the odd thing is, I deserve NOTHING. That doesn't mean my life has been easy, but I feel like the richest man in the world most days, because there is no amount of money or time that could buy any of the real blessings I've recieved.

    I don't know how to help Terry (I wish I did).

    I try not to give to "GET". I like to give because I've already recieved.

  • tec

    Just to clarify - when I think Christian, I think follower of Christ - not the organized religion with any of its doctrines.


  • BurnTheShips

    Very well said, brother DD.


  • thetrueone

    But Terry, it gives you appalling arrogance that your with the an established true Christian based faith opposed to all those other untrue

    Christian based faiths , like the JWS organization.

    Not to mention redemption and forgiveness from all your possible sins that you make day to day,

    in addition every lasting life in Paradise, trying pulling that out of atheism and self responsibility.

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