Because I can give meaning to my life without him.
For Atheists & Strong Agnostics: (Believers can counter-post also!)
by UnDisfellowshipped 43 Replies latest jw friends
I’m breaking your guidelines, because I just wanted to ask….
What are these atheists I hear people talk about?
I have never seen them, never talked to one, I don’t know what they have done for me, my family or humanity, I don’t even know one.
I see no proof that they even exist. So for all I know I’m an A-atheist. In other words,
There are no Atheists. They don’t exist.
Because there is no man without a God or gods…regardless of whether they want to recognize it or not.
P.S. And I mean no disrespect. Religion has its share of evil deeds, but this is not an argument about whether religion is correct on their approach to and representation of God. The fundamental issue is, can you look at the world, the universe, your body and honestly say that there was not a Creator that caused it to be? It takes a bigger leap of faith to be an Ignorer of God than a Believer (regardless of spiritual orientation).
My take,
It's as if some of us are speaking a foreign language.
Either our words have meaning or they do not.
zombie dub
There are no Atheists. They don’t exist.
I am an atheist. I exist. Therefore you are wrong.
It takes a bigger leap of faith to be an Ignorer of God than a Believer (regardless of spiritual orientation).
Using the same logic it takes a bigger leap of faith to be an Ignorer of Count Dracula than a Believer (regardless of spiritual orientation).
Because there is no man without a God or gods…regardless of whether they want to recognize it or not.
Considering the second part of your thesis, I'm wondering if there's a way to falsify the first part. -
Zombie dub,
You said: I am an atheist. I exist. Therefore you are wrong.
And that’s the point I’m making. I KNOW you do, I perceive the evidence of your existence as a person in that you are on the forum, in the feelings and ideas in you create, type and post, I know that you have to be a real person typing a message miles away from where I’m.
But I choose to deny your existence.
So, therefore, you don’t exist because I don’t believe in atheists. You can say whatever you want, but I’ll ignore your existence. I’m much happier believing that you don’t exist. Its liberating to see that there is not a single person in this world without a Creator. Thank God there are no atheists.
You get my point?
Again, I mean no disrespect to you or any other Creator Denier (how about that?) on this forum.
onemore: Whichever website you read that on, you should stop reading it.
I take it you believe in the prophet muhammed, because there is noone without the prophet muhammed and his one true God Allah?
Finallysomepride - that had me crying.
I am agnostic. Even if there is something/someone who created this place called the universe and everything in it, that does not mean that it was a being called Yahweh/Jesus.
If a supreme being did create everything we see around us, surely he could have put together a much better communication process than what is found in old Middle East texts commonly known as the Bible.
I have higher standards for a supreme being than the entity that is represented in those books.
Deputy Dog,
Thank you for your comments/questions.
The onus is on us (the believers) to present an apologetic (give a defense) which includes asking the unbelievers to examine the physical Universe (and its origin, the Big Bang), in order to get them to think about HOW this Universe came to be, and HOW it came to be so finely tuned. (1st Peter 3:15; Colossians 4:5-6; Romans 10:14)
I would say a good apologetic should also definitely include the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of prophecies, and the historical accuracy of the Bible.