Im finally leaving my jw husband.

by littlebird 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    I think you'll be just fine. You're brave to stand up for yourself and your children. I am sorry that it has come to this, though. I would say that hopefully it wakes him up, but I understand that this might not happen - and you also might not care for that to happen any more, regardless.

    You've never lived on your own? I remember when I left home at 16. It was the lack of eggshells, the knowing that no one is going to yell at me for anything at any given moment, that felt so peaceful. It was unsettling at first, but mostly I just felt relief. You're also only 43 :) That is so not old, and you have so much living to do!

    Hoping for the best for you, (but you're going to be fine with or without my hoping it)


  • JeffT

    That's a tough situation. I hope you can make it all work. It does sound like you need to move on and have your own life. Who knows may lightening will strike and he'll wake up.

  • snowbird

    I'm pulling for you, LittleBird.

    You can and will make it!

    I'm impressed with you for handling your business the way you are doing.




    Your husband is abusing in the name of god. Talk to your family doctor and get some counselling. They will advise you how to leave in a safe way.

    Be safe, dear one, before you fly.



  • littlebird

    Tammy- I left home at 16, straight to him, he was 26. I wish he'd wise up, but I wouldn't know how to tell if it was real or not. He can seem fine for weeks and then totally lose it and stay that way for months.

    Jeff- I hope so, maybe this is what it will take.

    Snowbird- Thanks, I hope Im handling it right.

    Estee- I was actually thinking of getting counseling. I probably will.

  • Violia

    I'm sure someone has said this but he sounds like more than a jws. He sounds like he has mental issues and you are doing the right thing to leave before he decides to hurt you or the kids b/c you aren't listening to the wts. When religious people go over the edge they can do some freaky things.

    best to you. I know how you must be feeling. I have never lived on my own either.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    You are so brave to do this, it may be hard now but I truly think in a short time you will look back on this and realize you did the right thing. Life is to short to live without any happiness. In a way I envy you, I wish I had had the courage to do the same thing. My husband is not quit as crazy as yours sounds but he has his moments when I think why did I stay with him especially looking back on when we were first married.

    The older you get the harder it will be at 43 you are still very young, and you are very brave. Here is wishing the best to you,


  • GLTirebiter
    I will be happy about not having to walk on eggshells around him anymore... But it still hurts to think 25yrs of marriage is essentually going down the drain.

    Littlebird, I understand not wanting to give up after so many years. But when what you have is no longer a real marriage, and your partner shows no signs of wanting to put it right again, then leaving can be the only safe and sane option.

    You will learn to live on your own and take care of yourself. It takes time, even for those who have lived independently for years before being married. You will need help: emotional help, legal help, and financial help. The way you're describing the situation, he probably won't be easy to deal with in the months ahead. It sounds like he's a highly controlling type. Now you need to assert your rights, not in the sense of being pushy, but rather not letting him control you any longer.

    I wish you the best, Littlebird. There are no winners in this battle, the goal is to be a survivor and get on with the rest of your life. You can make it, after enduring this for 25 years you have more strength than you realize!


  • jamiebowers

    For someone who has never lived on their own, you seem to be doing pretty well. It sounds like your husband has mental health issues. My jw husband did too, an he wound up threatening to kill me. Please click on this link, and take an assessment test to see if you should take precautions in leaving. I scored an 8 out of 9.

  • Lozhasleft

    Littlebird - Wanted to commend your courage and wish you well. Sweetie I finally gave up on my bad marriage in my 50's and oh how I wish I'd done it a decade before. Dont hesitate. You get the one life and as my wonderful new hubby says 'Its not a rehearsal'. Take some time out for yourself hun...use this as a great opportunity and move on to a better life. Spoil yourself a lot.

    Loz x

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