I wish you the very best and hope you find happiness and contentment. Escaping from insanity is going to be for the best.
Im finally leaving my jw husband.
by littlebird 85 Replies latest jw friends
I understand you littlebird, I went to something similar after 20 years of marriage. My soon to be ex-wife got to the point of telling me: "If you're going to think that way and are going to go to birthdays from friends and so forth, you'd better leave." - After a while, I packed my things and moved out. It was hard, I too had never lived alone and having moved to this country just 7 years ago, I actually didn't have any friends outside the JW world.
Fast forward 1 and a half years, I'm happy, have a new girlfriend that really loves me for ME and not for being 'spiritual' (going to the meetings, field service, commenting in meetings and so forth). Who accepts that, sometimes, I"ll have totally different ways of thinking and beliefs but doesn't see that as a reason to shun you or ostracize you. I must admit, life is good now. It wasn't easy, but it gets better.
** Its gotten so bad, that I don't think they make enough xanax pills for me to pop to try to handle him.**
sounds like the wrong person is taking the xanax.
although the thought of living on your own is daunting,try to turn that bit off and think of it as an adventure instead , the beginning of your new life and freedom from abuse and well worth a celebration.
i wont say good luck cos i think youre going to love it. (and probably wonder why you didnt do it sooner)
A normal person can join this cult and end up stark raving bonkers because of the high alert they are kept on.
They are in a state of pure panic 24/7....something has to give, unfortunately in quite a few cases it seems to be their mind.
This is the face of every JW I used to know
Sorry it's cost you your marriage, but at least you can have some peace.
Dark Side
Best of luck to you.
I made the decision to leave my wife and the Borg 18 years ago. In doing so, I also left behind just about every friend I had ever had and the only life I had ever known. It was the most difficult thing I ever did, but once I took the step, once I made that leap of faith, it was like the weight of the world had been removed from my shoulders. It was like being released from a cage. I could finally breathe.
You'll be ok
By the way, this made me laugh out loud:
He's been ranting endlessly about how close the end is, look at the eggs have to be recalled, bed bugs are an epidemic, etc, etc.
I don't remember reading about bad eggs and bedbugs in Matthew 24
Sorry your marriage has to end.
But I'm exited for your new life and adventures. Good luck.enjoy yourself!!!
Life is a journey. You have chosen to take a new path on your journey through life.
It may be scary, but so many others before you have taken similar steps and done well - you will too.
Good Luck - take care of your kiddos, and yourself.
Bed bugs? Really?
I'm sorry for what you have been through. It sounds like you're doing what you need to do - good for you
Wishing you all the best! Scary and exciting to be out on your own, you will do great!
You sound strong and you didn't make this decision quickly. As you said, you'll be fine! I left a 26 year marriage with a preteen and a teen, a new, entry level job and no child support. It was scary, but worth it. You can't change him, only what you do. It will feel so good to lock your apartment door every night and know he's not going to be there. I wish you the best; you're still young and will have a wonderful, fulfilling life!