When six months goes by, he won't think it's a phase.... When a year goes by, he'll definately get the message it isn't a phase.
Im finally leaving my jw husband.
by littlebird 85 Replies latest jw friends
time will show him, he's probably in denial that you can manage and live happily without him.
the kids moving in with you is a sign of where the happy place to be is.....obviously not with him.
don't hide your happiness from your husband, let him see it, let everyone see it. to see you all remorsefull and sad Plays into the hands of the JW's
they think that leaving the WTS is doom and gloom anyway, prove them wrong.
I have been where you are. But my ex was not a jw, just an ass. Your ex would like nothing better than to see you grovel, see you sweat, see you struggle so he can gloat. It's a power trip.
Your sons will see too the freedom and peace life has without that awful stress. They will back you, protect you and be more help than you can imagine as they get older.
Living on your own is great! I have done it and LOVED every new moment that approached, knowing I was in full control.
Be leary of him cooling off and trying to renegotiate friendship with you. Never trust someone who once tried to make you less than you are.
Another thing...watch that he doesn't somehow try to sabbotage your job or your friendships. Just sayin'. I want the best for you now that you are free and can think straight!
great advice Crimsonbleu
LIttlebird, I don't know you on this site yet, but read through this thread. I'm also married to a JW (I have never been one) and the sense of relief that has come through with your words in this thread is very easy to pick-up on. In fact, I admit I felt a twinge of jealousy in reading your opening post, as this is a constant inner debate for me.
Here's to you and your new life!!
Thanks for all your nice responses, it really does help me. I will do my best to show him Im happy, while I was worried about hurting his feelings, you are all right, it will play into his power tripping. Cheers!
even on days you don't feel like smilin' , just do it to keep from cryin'
but don't let any JW see you down, prove 'em all wrong by enjoyin'
Glad to hear you are doing better. Good luck, I know it will work out just fine now for you.
Your life is going to get so much better!
Have fun,