and may you all have peace!
I would like to understand, please, if someone cal help me:
If, when you come OUT of "her," the most glaring and obvious of things that with you is anger, hatred, intolerance, irritability, deceit, loose conduct (and I mean the really loose, not just the typical) and things like these... such that when you communicate with others, including but not necessarily those still IN "her"... these things a manifest... are you proving "her" right... that life IS "better" on the inside, at least as far as "they" can "see" it?
Wouldn't your JOY... calm, peace, tranquility, serenity, happiness, JOY... at where you are NOW (i.e., outside of "her")... regardless of how you got there, what you're doing, and where you're going... be a BETTER testament? If all they ever see or hear of you IS your DISSATISFACTION with your life... such as it is NOW... because of her... aren't you really only proving "them" right... that it really IS "miserable" on the outside, that you're only "finding fault"... and that one WOULD actually be better off "inside" (even if you know that's a lie)?
I think I recall a saying that goes something like "living GOOD... is the best revenge" or something like that. Why would you WANT them to see you sweat? Why are you SWEATING?
I'm just asking. I mean, it seems to ME that if you at least had SOME modicum if happiness while IN "her"... but absolutely NONE now (or, at least, it doesn't appear to others that you do)... what really was the purpose in leaving? To be "really" free? But hasn't your anger, hatred, deceit, chagrin, and others things now only taken her place... and enslaved you all over again?
People ridicule me for my believe in my God. So be it. I would MUCH rather be the HAPPY, JOYFUL, PEACEFUL, LOVING and LOVED... "lunatic" that I am... that the dark, hard, calloused, bitter, sour, rankled, carbunkle some of "us" appear to have turned out to me. Truly.
Call me what you will... but whatever MY "work," I AM most joyful at it!
A VERY joyful slave of Christ,