TD did some epic floor-mopping with djeggnog in another thread. Djeggnog claimed that it was catagorically true and that the watchtower was absolutely certain AND teached that ANY child, baby or infant where AT LEAST ONE parent was NOT a witness in good standing would be KILLED AT ARMAGEDDON.
TD first quoted a watchtower puplication that said we could not know who would be killed and who would be spared.
Djeggnog said that the publication was wrong.
TD then called the official public relations office at patterson and read what Djeggnog had written, word by word, and asked if that was their official oppinion on the matter.
The public relationship guy told TD that it most certainly was not.
Djeggnogs response?: The public relations guy was bullshitting. Ill let that stand.
There you have it. Djeggnog is not a witness in the sence of the word. She/he dont give a crap what the witnesses believe, she/he has her/his own theology and wont even change it when it is directly contradicted by the watchtowers puplication or by senior members. She/he is in effect putting herself over jehovahs chanel. Delusions of grandour? you bet.
Now here is the best part:
Imagine an infant born by parents in China who has never even heard about Jehovahs Witnesses.
Its going to die.
But how?
According to The Book of Djeggnog 13:4 Jesus will go down on earth, take a sword, and flipping kill the baby with the sword.
Try to picture that: Jesus killing helpless infants with a sword. Their crime? they just deserve it! Obay my mocking idol of a God or jesus will flipping kill your children with a sword! The will show satan his plan has failed!
I have tried to ask Djeggnog again and again how, exacty, jesus will use the sword on the baby. Will it be one quick blow to the head, will it be more like a few stabs here and there, or will he go all out and use his master carpenter skills to hack it apart limb-by-limb. So far Djeggnog has been strangely silent on the matter, but im sure The Book of Djeggnog contain the answer.
In my book, when your mental picture of your God-of-Love is that it will kill infants with a sword because some guys couldnt arse themselves over to their place and hand them a brouchure, there is something wrong with your head.