If it is JCanon, as Outlaw believes, then I'm relieved and don't feel so out of the loop. Welcome back, gender bender! No one does crazy like you.
Challenge to DJeggnog Regarding his Lies.
by Essan 209 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jehovah's Witnesses have never made it any secret that we make adjustments all of the time to what things we believe when we realize that something we were teaching is incorrect, so what's your point, @Essan?
The point my dear eggnog is that if a rank and file witness, even one of the annointed, challenges what is currently being taught as truth, they will have privileges removed or even be expelled as apostate. When the teaching changes there is no apology forthcoming.
Also and more seriously, when people have sacrificed their lives, for example by refusing a transplant or a blood fraction such as factor VIII, one would expect the society to be on 100% sure about what they are teaching.
Eggnog stop justifying the lies and hypocracy of this evil organisation - people like you make me sick!!!
Eggnog stop justifying the lies and hypocracy of this evil organisation - people like you make me sick!!!
What "evil organisation"?
@djeggnog wrote to @Essan:
Jehovah's Witnesses have never made it any secret that we make adjustments all of the time to what things we believe when we realize that something we were teaching is incorrect, so what's your point, @Essan?
@cantleave wrote to @djeggnog:
The point my dear eggnog is that if a rank and file witness, even one of the annointed, challenges what is currently being taught as truth, they will have privileges removed or even be expelled as apostate. When the teaching changes there is no apology forthcoming.
First, I don't know what a "rank and file witness" is, for there are only brothers and sisters in Jehovah's organization. This concept of a "rank and file witness" was invented by folks that were opposed to God's organization, specifically opposed to the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses, who they call the "WTS" and consider to be "the leaders" of our organization, when, in fact, the Lord Jesus Christ is our "Leader." (Matthew 23:10)
Second, an apology is only due when someone commits a sin against someone else. If you've ever read the Bible, then you would know this. Should Jehovah's Witnesses take a wrong understanding from something read in the Bible and teach accordingly, someone else with a correct understanding offers a scriptural correction to the one discovered to have had a wrong understanding about a matter. Who do you believe ought to apologize to whom? The one teaching something inapposite to what the Bible actually teaches? Or the one bringing the matter to the attention of the individual that has been teaching something inapposite to what the Bible actually teaches? Which?
It is only when an individual, after having been corrected, should continue to teach something that is inapposite to what the Bible actually teaches deliberately that he or she becomes guilty of apostasy, for Christians "should all speak in agreement." (1 Corinthians 1:10)
Also and more seriously, when people have sacrificed their lives, for example by refusing a transplant or a blood fraction such as factor VIII, one would expect the society to be on 100% sure about what they are teaching.
There are Christians that have died as a consequence of their maintaining their integrity to Jehovah while under trial, which trials might have been the result of religious persecution, or torture or even death at the hands of opposers of the truth. Some of those that have died did so as the result of a medical-related trial that involved either their desire to maintain their integrity to Jehovah by not accepting an organ transplant or by their abstinence from blood by refusing to accept a blood transfusion.
It is true that at one time God's viewpoint with respect to organ transplants was understood differently than it is understood today, and it is also true that there were those desirous of pleasing Jehovah that rejected an organ transplant that may or may not have saved their lives or may or may not have extended their lives, and while some of Jehovah's Witnesses that faced this trial survived, many others died due to their desire to maintain their integrity to Jehovah, come what may, having faith in Jehovah that should their rejection of the organ transplant result in their death that they would eventually come to hear Jesus' voice during His Millennial reign and be resurrected to life.
It is also likewise true that many of Jehovah's Witnesses have rejected one or more blood transfusions believing that blood is sacred to Jehovah, and that the only use to which blood is to be used is for the redemption of mankind, which He did when God sent Jesus to earth to die on behalf of redeemable mankind as a ransom sacrifice as a release by ransom for forgiveness of our sins, whose shed blood provides "an everlasting deliverance for us." (Hebrews 9:12) Through the merit of Jesus' blood, we have been released from the condemnation of sin and death that all mankind came to inherit from Adam. (Romans 5:18) The full release by ransom is the gift that Jehovah will only give to those that seek it in the way that He has provided. (Ephesians 2:8)
We know that Christ came to minister to us as well as to die as a ransom for many (Matthew 28:20), but any Christian that deliberately disregards God's explicit command at Acts 15:20, 29, to "abstain ... from blood" is in jeopardy of forfeiture of his soul, his life, due to their disobedience, and, as Jesus asks at Matthew 16:26, "what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" Ok, he or she accepts a blood transfusion in violation of God's commandment and as a result they are able to live an additional two years, five years, 10, 15 or 20 years, thus 'gaining the whole world, but as a result forfeiting the gift of eternal life" for the two years, five years, 10, 15 or 20 years they will have gained due to their lack of faith in the resurrection?
Let me tell you something: Neither Jehovah's Witnesses nor the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses are masters over anyone faith, but we are all fellow workers that are exhorting faithfulness with respect to all of God's commands that we may all experience the joy of everlasting life that our brothers and sisters might "have the glorious freedom of the children of God." (Romans 8:21) You want to blame the WTS for someone dying due to their not accepting a blood transfusion, as the Bible clearly teaches, which blood transfusion btw may or may not have saved their lives (so that one accepting a blood transfusion and dying as a result could also mean eternal death for one's lack of faith!), but, really, it is not by means of the faith of any of Jehovah's Witnesses, who might exhort any one of us to keep faith with Jehovah that is able to make any of us stand, but it is only by our own faith that we are standing. (2 Corinthians 1:24)
Hiya JCannon - glad to see I was arguing with someone imaginative and playful. But seriously as witnesses we fall for such reasoning
Let me tell you something: Neither Jehovah's Witnesses nor the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses are masters over anyone faith,
Then somebody needs to tell them to stop cutting people off from their families. If you are not a master over someone elses faith you do not have the power to do this.
If they are not masters over someones faith then why, when someone is DF'd, are they told they can no longer pray to God because He will no longer listen to them.
If they are not masters over someones faith then why do they think they have the power to do such things.
eggnog? you are one of the Rank and File
It is true that at one time God's viewpoint with respect to organ transplants was understood differently than it is understood today, and it is also true that there were those desirous of pleasing Jehovah that rejected an organ transplant that may or may not have saved their lives or may or may not have extended their lives, and while some of Jehovah's Witnesses that faced this trial survived, many others died due to their desire to maintain their integrity to Jehovah, come what may, having faith in Jehovah that should their rejection of the organ transplant result in their death that they would eventually come to hear Jesus' voice during His Millennial reign and be resurrected to life.
Bullshit!! How can anyone understand God's viewpoint, let alone control people's behaviour regarding that viewpoint when there is absolutely nothing stated in the bible regarding it. Surely this is the same as the pharasees were doing in the 1st century? Making up burdensome rules to control the populace.
The one teaching something inapposite to what the Bible actually teaches? Or the one bringing the matter to the attention of the individual that has been teaching something inapposite to what the Bible actually teaches? Which?
In this case the WTS is the one teaching something inapposite to what the the bible is teaching. It has to be - or there would be no need to change their teaching. If the person disagreeing with what the WTS is teaching, wrongly, and that person's thought are correct, then surely they are owed an apology. Especially if they were expelled from the organisation and suffered the consequence that go along with that.
What "evil organisation"?
It is true that at one time God's viewpoint with respect to organ transplants was understood differently than it is understood today, and it is also true that there were those desirous of pleasing Jehovah that rejected an organ transplant that may or may not have saved their lives or may or may not have extended their lives, and while some of Jehovah's Witnesses that faced this trial survived, many others died due to their desire to maintain their integrity to Jehovah, come what may, having faith in Jehovah that should their rejection of the organ transplant result in their death that they would eventually come to hear Jesus' voice during His Millennial reign and be resurrected to life.
Bullshit!! How can anyone understand God's viewpoint, let alone control people's behaviour regarding that viewpoint when there is absolutely nothing stated in the bible regarding it. Surely this is the same as the pharasees were doing in the 1st century? Making up burdensome rules to control the populace.
The one teaching something inapposite to what the Bible actually teaches? Or the one bringing the matter to the attention of the individual that has been teaching something inapposite to what the Bible actually teaches? Which?
In this case the WTS is the one teaching something inapposite to what the the bible is teaching. It has to be - or there would be no need to change their teaching. If the person disagreeing with what the WTS is teaching, wrongly, and that person's thought are correct, then surely they are owed an apology. Especially if they were expelled from the organisation and suffered the consequence that go along with that.
What "evil organisation"?
You exactly what evil organisation I am referring to - the Watchtower Society and all it's legal subsidaries.
Damn, I'm not on this board enough anymore. I don't even know who the f*ck DJ Eggnog is.
Meh, you're not missing much.
Answer my question correctly, and I'll answer your question.
LOL. No, we both know you won't. I've asked on at least three different occasions. You've been backed into a corner by your previous (nonsensical) statements and are now unable to answer the question without contradicting yourself and exposing your lies and Russell's failed prophecies in the process.
You're no prophet, eggnog. You're just a liar. And not even a good one at that.
peacedog - 2, djeggnog - 0
JcanonEggnogOnHisFace just proved how little respect JW's have for life and for Jehovah. Jehovah views life as sacred, and for JcanonEggnoggOnHisFace to have such a cavalier attitude towards people dying because of errors of interpitation by the watchtower shows you that the JW's are clearly blood guilty before God and do not share Jehovah's view of life. The watchtower prefers power over people rather than respect for life, and would rather have people sacrificed at their alter than have a godly view of life. This is the sign of a satanic mind control cult, not "the one true christian religon." JcanonEggnogOnHisFace as others have pointed out is doing a wonderful job of showing exactly the type of organzation the watchtower is, an evil, satanic one.