@peacedog wrote:
Every student of Watchtower history knows that Russell predicted the "parousia" for 1874 and the COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KINGDOM for 1914.
@djeggnog wrote:
Yes and yes. And you know what? The man called it! The Messianic kingdom of God was established at the end of the Gentile Times. And when did those Gentile Times end? You tell me.
The first "yes," is because I don't want to quibble any longer over the word "predicted" as this word is understood here, which I've pointed out several times now, is viewed as being synonymous with "determined" or "calculated," and the second "yes" requires no explanation.
@peacedog wrote:
His mission (like his cult masters) is to deceive people.
@djeggnog wrote:
No, my mission is to save people [from] those of Satan's agents that would deceive and mislead them, transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness. (2 Corinthians 4:4) I am a minister of righteousness; God's righteousness, but whose minister are you?
You caught another one of my typos. Good for you!
Explain, if you possibly can, how "God's Messianic Kingdom", in all of its invisibleness, is now "trampling...these Gentile nations"
It was in 1914 that the time had come for those same Gentile nations that had been responsible, since 607 BC, for trampling upon the kingdom of God as represented by the royal descendant of King David's sitting representatively on God's throne in Jerusalem, and when they had further trampled Jerusalem upon Jesus' being fastened to a tree by Roman soldiers and put to death, to terminate, and for the God's Messianic Kingdom to start trampling upon the Gentiles nations and be placed as a stool for the feet of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Jehovah Himself has proceeded to make the Gentile nations the footstool for the feet of our Messianic King Jesus, and they will all of them be destroyed when Jesus and his angels wages war against them at Armageddon. In 1914 began the time for our Messianic king to 'go subduing in the midst of his enemies,' which Jesus has, in fact, been doing. Since 1914, the majority of the God's "chosen one" have come out of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, firstly, out of anti-typical "Jerusalem," Christendom, and the rest from pagandom. And since 1935, a vast, but unnumbered "great crowd" has also come out of Babylon the Great, principally Christendom, who have a favorable standing before God's throne and are now looking forward to becoming the nucleus of the new earth after the present system of things goes down in destruction at Armageddon.
Jehovah's Witnesses pray on behalf of God's kingdom and they do not pray on behalf of this world that is alienated from God. As their faith over the years attests, they have walked courageously in Jesus' footsteps, standing firm in the face of ridicule, persecution, arrest, imprisonment, torture and even death based on power beyond that which is normal, based on God's spirit. (2 Corinthians 4:7; Philippians 4:13)
Despite all of these things, Jehovah has brought spiritual glory to His worshippers here on earth, which really goes to Jehovah's honor and glory, and Jehovah's Witnesses, as those who are worshippers of the true God, Jehovah, we shall not only see God's salvation, but "length of days" as well. (Psalm 91:15, 16)
Although forced to endure much persecuted in Germany under Adolf Hitler's Third Reich, for example, it was by means of God's spirit that Jehovah's Witnesses were victorious after some 12 years of Nazi rulership, and, with an unbroken spirit, they triumphantly resumed the proclamation about God's Messianic Kingdom in lands that had formerly been controlled by Hitler. See, Christ Jesus is now trampling the nations! We declare to politicians, to judges, to the police, as did the apostles: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men," for the nations are no longer permitted to trample upon God's Messianic Kingdom that began its rule in 1914, and while recognizing the relative authority of human governments, God's Messianic Kingdom is the absolute government and the Lord Jesus Christ the only king that Jehovah's Witnesses recognize today. (Acts 5:29)
The ones that are occupying that "secret place of the Most High" are those that have unequivocally come out in favor of Jehovah's universal sovereignty and, as integrity keepers, it is Jehovah's Witnesses that are making the issue of Universal Sovereignty clear to all of the nations, so that people are no longer being trampled upon by the nations, and they have not only maintained Christian neutrality toward the conflicts of the worldly nations, but are the ones that are avoiding every form of idolatry. (Psalm 91:1)
What is more, you can actually see Jehovah's Witnesses; we are not invisible at all.
@djeggnog wrote:
And just as folks received the apostle Paul as if he were "an angel of God, like Christ Jesus" (Galatians 4:14), my hope, @Essan, is that you will receive me as you would that chief angel of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and give some thought to what you're going to do before the end comes.
@Psacramento wrote:
Do you see nothing wrong with what you wrote here?
Yes, I see "nothing wrong" with what I wrote. I'm 100% fine with what things I wrote in my previous post. Well, sort of. After I posted that message, I began to realize that I had wished to had added the following to what it was I posted:
"The Bible teaches that in the past, Jehovah used angels to communicate with men (Hebrews 1:1, 2), but among men He raised up many prophets to speak on His behalf, and, really, except for the archangel that God sent to us, the Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest prophet among men that has ever lived here on earth, they were all of them imperfect men, but all of these men that prophesied, all represented Jehovah, all spoke in Jehovah's name, as did Jesus, as did Paul, as did Russell, as even do I. When I speak the words of God in your hearing, @Essan, it is it not I that is speaking, but you should know that it is Jehovah that is speaking to you."
What I say here to @Essan, I say also to you, @Psacramento.