@The Finger:
Although you emphasized the words in the 1968 WT. Perhaps, could, would, remember that this is six years later, time is running out.
I believe I understand exactly what this 1968 Watchtower was saying and not saying, but I submit that you did not understand it to be making certain hypothetical allusions -- which is what this article you read back in 1968 was doing! -- so that it is clear to me that you concluded from you evidently read in that Watchtower article, or in one of the other WTS publications, to have actually supplanted what the Bible itself says at Matthew 24:36.
Please listen to what I am saying to you here, and this is me speaking to you, and not the Lord: Jehovah's Witnesses do not go beyond the things that are written in the Bible (1 Corinthians 4:6) so as to alter the inspired word of God, and should any one of them do that, we do not hesitate to tell the one that has gone beyond the things that have been written (a) that the Bible doesn't support their statement, and (b) that they ought not be teaching things that the Bible itself does not say.
IOW if the Bible doesn't say "Armageddon is coming in the year 1975," then you should not be assuming Jesus' words at Matthew 24:36 ("Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.") to mean something inapposite to what Jesus actually did say in this verse, nor should you assume that because one of Jehovah's Witnesses may be an elder or circuit or district overseer, or a member of the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses that he is obliged to contradict Jesus' words at Matthew 24:36 and positively state that "Armageddon is coming in 1975" or in any other year, when you yourself know that from your having read the Bible yourself that no one knows "that day and hour" when the end will come.
Do not permit yourself to be "bedazzled" by someone position of responsibility with God's organization for no one that would undermine or contradict anything that God's word states should be taken seriously. There are many Jehovah's Witnesses today that are just like you that will read something in one of our publications that causes them some concern as to what it means and will either rely upon their own understanding of what they've read (Proverbs 3:5) or they will ask someone else as ignorant as they are about the matter that has caused them some concern, and take such agreement as fact. This is why Jesus said that "at the mouth of two or three witnesses" is a matter to be established." (Matthew 18:16)
One of these second or third witnesses does not have to be an appointed servant, but can be a spiritually mature sister or a spiritually mature brother in the congregation, or it could be a circuit overseer.
The statement "Evening of seventh creative day begins,4026 BCE." backed up by "morning of the seventh creative day begins, 526 BCE." page 131 of the Gods Eternal Purpose book.
"The first half or "evening" period of God's seventh creative "day" was now closing, 3,500 years from creation of Adam and EVE. The morning of this creative "day" was due to begin at 526 BCE."
And so...?
No "perhaps" and you made the point how the "truth" is what is currently taught and that is what was current in 1974/5
The truth is the truth and that is never going to change. But what may change is our understanding of it, for if we should find that we are mistaken about something, we would not behave as if our former understanding were correct, would we? For example, if you should run out of gas late at night in a location some four miles away from the nearest gas station, you would certainly not walk two miles in the opposite direction toward a gas station that you know has been closed for months because that gas station is two miles closer than the other gas station, would you? No, for you will have added an additional four miles to what would have been a four-mile trek to the nearest gas station for a total of eight miles, wouldn't you?
The truth is that the nearest gas station is four miles away so once you realize what the truth is, you would not hold on to your former understanding of what you thought had been the truth, but would abandon what you had formerly believed to have been the truth in order to hold on to what you know to be the truth.
If you knew from your reading of the Bible that no one could have possibly known the "day and hour," then you should not have believed what you had understood from what you read in this Watchtower article or this other WTS publication, the God's Eternal Purpose Now Triumphing book, to have been saying to have actually been saying what it is what that you concluded it to have been saying. When in doubt, when something you hear doesn't sound right, then you should ask someone to explain the matter to you as if you were a two year old so that you can be sure that you aren't being misled by someone enthusiasm during a public talk or a convention part or by your own inherent ability to be able to comprehend everything that you read correctly. (Acts 8:31)
@djeggnog wrote:
The Bible teaches that in the past, Jehovah used angels to communicate with men (Hebrews 1:1, 2), but among men He raised up many prophets to speak on His behalf, and, really, except for the archangel that God sent to us, the Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest prophet among men that has ever lived here on earth, they were all of them imperfect men, but all of these men that prophesied, all represented Jehovah, all spoke in Jehovah's name, as did Jesus, as did Paul, as did Russell, as even do I. When I speak the words of God in your hearing, @Essan, it is [...] not I that is speaking, but you should know that it is Jehovah that is speaking to you.
@Essan wrote:
Wow. Just wow. Have you seen the film "Defendor" Dj?
Why? What possible connection could there possibly be to my having watched a particular movie (or not watched a particular movie!) with your listening to what things God says through His word, the Bible?
@djeggnog wrote:
Yes, I see "nothing wrong" with what I wrote. I'm 100% fine with what things I wrote in my previous post. Well, sort of. After I posted that message, I began to realize that I had wished to [have] added the following to what it was I posted:
"The Bible teaches that in the past, Jehovah used angels to communicate with men (Hebrews 1:1, 2), but among men He raised up many prophets to speak on His behalf, and, really, except for the archangel that God sent to us, the Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest prophet among men that has ever lived here on earth, they were all of them imperfect men, but all of these men that prophesied, all represented Jehovah, all spoke in Jehovah's name, as did Jesus, as did Paul, as did Russell, as even do I. When I speak the words of God in your hearing, @Essan, it is [...] not I that is speaking, but you should know that it is Jehovah that is speaking to you."
@Psacramento wrote:
That is the beginning of your problems, that [you] do NOT see [anything] wrong with it.
Paul and Jesus NEVER spoke God's name, there is NO evidence of that at all, no [matter how much] YOU may want it to be.
God speaks through Jesus, always has and always will and Jesus speaks to Us, all of us, none of us are any more special than another, we just have to listen.
FOr you to THINK that Jesus was an archangel is enough proof that Jesus does NOT speak through you, sorry.
@djeggnog wrote:
What I say here to @Essan, I say also to you, @Psacramento.
@Psacramento wrote:
My Friend, my relationship with Christ, the ONLY [anointed] of God and the only begotten Son of God, is and has been for some time, more than it seems you can understand at this [point], but I pray your eyes and ears are opened to Jesus, for only in His name is their [salvation] for Christians and it is TO HIM and HIS name that we are to be [witness] to.
You are not speaking for God but in your saying that you are, you are [blaspheming] against the Holy Spirit and my God and Jesus [will not] forgive you for that.