Notverylikely, I give you this button and say Good Job!
by diana netherton 160 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ah, well, in that case, yo momma's teeth so yellow I can't beleive it's not butter :)
Your momma's so ugly, I could put her face in some cookie dough and make gorilla cookies. I'd make millions.
If selling one's body for money isn't wrong, then I assume you wouldn't oppose a family member doing so.
No, I wouldn't. People do it every day even when it's not about sex.
If you wouldn't oppose it, then fair enough, that's your right. Your position is that prostitution is an acceptable occupation. Please elaborate on how it is and why.
If your values were consistent, you'd agree. Are they and do you?
They are consistent. Ditch diggers sell their muscle and body for money.
Therefore, I assume a request for sexual services from a family member wouldn't be an insult to you, rather it's an opportunity for income, like any profession. If so, then why the indignation at my question?
BTS said: Ah. I get it now. Well, whores are the most honest women of all. They negotiate the price for service up front.
That reminds owe me fifty bucks.
Notverylikely, I give you this button and say Good Job!
Thank you my dear. I often DO play the devil's advocate. I love honing my own beliefs and points by arguing the opposite. You just never know with me when I actually believe the opposite or somehow convince myself :)
Here is 'just a thought'.........
Get a better part-time job.... working in a strip club.
I am being serious, such a job pays good (stipper, barmaid, poker dealer), should only be done temporarily and while sex oriented you don't have to actually have sex with anyone......
You can wear a wig and even paint you face to disguise you identity some......
(While Yknot has never been a stripper or in such an establishment but she was on friendly terms with one of Texas' more 'colorful' stip club managers/owner)
Thanks for being so open all make a point. It's just that I was considering
an "arrangement." I'd get some financial help with my schooling, etc. (I work full time and have a
part time job so I'm no gold digga). He'd get what he wants. I keep going back and forth on this one.
Just wanted your feedback. I haven't made my mind up. (Not until I see his yacht anyway. :)
Sooo you are looking to be a hooker? Prostitute? Why not call it what it is? If you have no self respect, go for it.
Beks...... plenty of women have considered that business while in college..... self-respect intact.
I am not advocating ......
Just sayin'.............One size morality doesn't fit all.
Why is being a sex worker a bad thing?
It isn't. So send your daughters over then,....
Better yet, bare your own ass for a few bucks. It's ok, there's vasoline for comfort.
Ynot, what morality did I refer to? I only said call it what it is.
As for self respect, so you say. Or would like to think.
Beks the 'no self respect' was a blanket statement based on your personal views and sense of morality......