Brace yourselves: The GOOD things about the WTBS! heh

by theMadJW 213 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

    Where in some places we can actually worship Jehovah God our father in brotherhood with fellow
    believers in public without fear of burning, hanging, torture, drowning, whipping, impaling, imprisonment
    etc and all other methods of brutality people have reserved for true worshipers of Jehovah whom they
    deemed heretics throughout the centuries to this day......Reniaa/Debator

    Poor you..

    A WBT$ Supporter who can`t bothered to be a Real Jehovah`s Witness..


    Posts from the comfort of their home..

    Where your only threat is Reality..

    .................. ...OUTLAW

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    If you're looking for the best ways to pinch pennies in a given community, JWs, in general, are top notch at knowing how to stretch a dollar.

    I guess that's a good thing.


  • theMadJW

    OOOO! Should I add THAT to the list? That we don't buy the homes, cars and pay for all the bills and give salary to a Clergy?

  • agonus

    There are good things about every religion. Unfortunately, the WT's destructive policies outweigh the good in it.

    OOOO! Should I add THAT to the list? That we don't buy the homes, cars and pay for all the bills and give salary to a Clergy?.....MadJW

    Jehovah`s Witness`s buy Kingdom Hall`s..

    The WBT$ later sells them and keeps the money..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • brotherdan

    Then the Witness dies and donates his estate to the WTS. Add that to your retarded list MadJW.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hey MadJW, are you denying that JWs, in general, are a frugal bunch?

    When you're done playing with your strawman, let me know whether or not frugality makes your list of good things or not.



    The WBT$ has a never ending List of Scams..

    Used to relieve Jehovah`s Witness`s of every penny they have..

    ................... ...OUTLAW

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I don't know if this was mentioned... I didn't read every post...

    I will say 1 good thing about WTBS.... they can clean a good Civic Center.

  • metatron

    .A few facts about this thread:

    1) Jehovah's Witnesses have clergy. This is shown by Watchtower lawyers who have demanded that elders be given clerical privilege. Also, the Society's representatives have used "discounts for clergy" whenever possible. Some of these clergy are paid clergy - as with C.O.s and D.O.'s. They are compensated in various ways AND Branch workers in other countries may be subject to forced pension/social welfare payments - which can only happen if compensation exists.

    2) The NW translation has some good points but inserting Jehovah in the Greek text is not acceptable. It is not accurate and years ago, Goodspeed refused to endorse it for this reason.

    3) Jehovah's Witnesses have a degree of camaraderie but it is increasingly superficial as the Society cuts branches, Bethelites, subscriptions, magazines, literature, printing and other expenses as Witnesses decline to donate. The Society is also hard pressed to come up with enough men to become elders as male Witnesses avoid "reaching out". Any claim about "love" needs to be balanced against these hard realities. In particular, the Watchtower Society's layoffs of long term Bethelites in the worst job market in 50 years was especially cruel and uncaring.


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