If you don't give a s**t about celebrating, feel free to post here.

by VampireDCLXV 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • VampireDCLXV

    After my unceremonious departure at the end of last year, I had to leave this beloved thread behind until I felt well enough to return. I'm back, bitches!

    @undercover, @tec,
    *sigh* You guys already had your say the first time around and you didn't really anything new or worthwhile this time...


    420 day? Wouldn't that be a hoot! (tee hee!)


    If you need one special day a year to make you feel special to others, fine. Whatever! I don't.

    Holidays and gatherings are so oversold that they set people up for disappointment. See? Another reason I can't be bothered...


    You, my man, have said it the best way possible. I couldn't top that no matter how hard I try. Cheers!
    Applause to you!


  • VampireDCLXV

    Bump for holiday hating newbies...



  • talesin

    V-day is a useless, Hallmark-created holiday! I didn't even like it when I was part of a couple,,, what a bunch of bs.

    There! I said it, and glad I got it off my chest. :))

    Every day is a day to celebrate love - my friends and chosen family prove that to me now, by their acceptance of who I am for all the warts and faults I have, and their loving support through the good and bad times.

    xo to YOU, lil bro


  • Tater-T

    I hate the Holiday's too ... but I'm sick of not celebrating as well.. I don't go out of my way, either way.. I do like being social .. and that is important..

    But I'm more tired of my Mom calling me before Thanksgiving, Christmas and saying "well since you have the day off and their isn't alot to do since everything is closed.. I'm thinking of having you and your brothers over for dinner.. would you like to come over for dinner?"

    Me 'OK"

    Mom "is there any thing you would like me to make"

    Me "Turkey stuffing would be great We've never had it"

    MOM " OH NO! I couldn't do that and you know WHY"

    me "OK nacho's !"

    she hasn't be to a meeting in a least 20 years.. because she claims she didn't want to wait around for some elderette to die to feed an old man his last few bowls of oat meal.. mean while every worldly guy she's dated has broken it off due to her stance on holidays ..

    I say go back to the Hall or get with the rest of the real society

    or do what ever you want, but quit crying about it


  • talesin

    Hey, TT, I would make you some awesome turkey stuffing ... I make a big one every Xmas and enjoy it with someone else who has no family.


  • just Ron
    just Ron

    I'm with you about holidays I would rather see a 4 day work weekl. So I can do what I want 3 days a week. Than a special 3 day holiday weekend where I'm told what I should do.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I don't personally care at all about the holidays or my birthday. My kids are the only reason that I plan on doing anything for the various holidays. My youngest seems especially interested in having Christmas and Halloween. We started celebrating their birthdays this year, and they really seemed to enjoy that. I do like to buy up all the discounted candy after Valentines Day.

  • VampireDCLXV

    ... And there's moar! Mwahahahahaha!


    Okay... I guess there's *one* holiday you hate. You still won't get me to celebrate x-mas, though. Maybe I'll see you for turkey on some odd Thanksgiving Day. (Maybe I'll bend a little bit there...)


    I do things for my own reasons; I don't need the world around me to dictate when I should be romantic, bake a turkey, etc. I'm sorry that your mom makes things harder for you during the holidays with her nitwit behavior...

    @just Ron

    There's more than one way to be a sheep, huh? I don't buy into the prescribed season for much of anything...

    @finally awake

    I will concede, like I have before, that you shouldn't be forced into celebrating things you don't care about BUT by the same token, we shouldn't force our joyless past upon innocent children. Let them be more "normal"...

  • sizemik

    I was never much for "holidays" even before I was a witness. We don't have independence day, or thanksgiving here. Valentines day was unheard of when I was a kid and has only become popular since the 80's. A lot of it is commercially driven.

    I make an exception for Christmas. Not for any religious purpose, but as a rallying point for family reasons. Two of my kid's have left home now (one just yesterday off to Uni), and having that one time to focus on . . . when all try to reconvene as a family, fits well with us.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    No holidays across the pond eh? Sounds like my kind of place as Scrooge is running through my veins. I hate all this commercial crap, although I did cave in and get my mother some flowers last night. Today walking through town on my lunch break people didn't realy seem to be in the mood for V-day, more like D-day.

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