if my kids were little, i suppose i would be balls to the wall
trying to undo the programming i had enforced when a drone....
as adults or late teens, i tell them: if you want the trappings,
get busy with it but allow me to ignore or avoid most of it
because i am sincerely not interested and often more than
not i am slightly disgusted by the manic excess....
i do put up one string of colored, twinkling lights on the
side of the house that faces the street because i like them...
i put $50 in a kiva.org account on every kid's B'day, which
requires them to use it for at least one lending cycle to a
"third world" entreprenuer, which they can then withdraw
for their own purposes after it is repaid.... same is true for
anyone in my life i really really care for....
other than that i just say "back atcha" to anyone wishing
me a happy or merry or zippy kinda day...