If you don't give a s**t about celebrating, feel free to post here.

by VampireDCLXV 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Vampire, Are you at least going to celebrate "Talk like a Pirate Day" on September 19?

  • serenitynow!

    I would probably only celebrate Xmas if my friends/signif other did. I would only have a tree/decorations in my home if I was married to someone who wanted to celebrate. Since I no longer believe in god or christ, what do I care?

    I'm passing out candy for halloween though. I may dress up.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I could careless about my Birthday. The Wife gets me a cake no party (per my request). It means nothing to me.

    X-mas at first I felt weird, but seeing the boy's eyes X-mas morning seeing Santa Claus came. I'm sucked in.

    "Darth why doesn't Santa give you presents??"

    "Santa and I had a falling out. Long story"

    I celebrated X-mas as a kid and loved it... so it's for the kids

  • thetrueone

    To me these are stupid, expensive, overblown, troublesome commercial indulgences the world can do without.

    Like wise if you never celebrated these days they just become another day on the calender.

    I do like celebrating birthdays to loved ones though, I see it as an expression of love and appreciation for that person.

    As for the rest of the so called pagan holidays, ah humb bug, December 25th is a birthday that is not even Jesus's !

    Christmas is way over commercialized to a point of annoyance, most of my friends who have never been a JW, feel exactly the same way.

    Halloween, October 31th, was a day when the ancient Druids sacrificed people in a pagan ritual,

    so why in the hell are people today celebrated such a day in these modern times ?

  • VampireDCLXV

    Ah, finally. Some sincere answers. Was that so hard?

    I'm sure its nice to celebrate things for the sake of loved ones, but at what cost? It sucks IMHO.

    But you're still on the inside. Can I really be sure that's the viewpoint you'll stick with if you're DA'd, DF'd, faded, etc? I doubt it...

    Yes! I love your POV. Life should be celebrated, not just friggin holidays.

    Yep. Christmas is a wank. And I agree, we shouldn't necessarily steal joy from our kids.

    I'm sorry that you feel you missed out on so much. I don't.

    I think you need your head examined...

    What you do is really cool. I'm too lazy and cheap for the lights thing...

    I'm cool with that. I'm not necessarily expecting folks to 100% agree with me all the time...

    @keyser soze,
    What part of "I don't give a f**k" didn't you understand?

    Yes. Lets celebrate the freedom to not, er, celebrate.

    Sure. I'm not going to begrudge anyone's right to celebrate their b-day. I just want my freedom not to...

    I respect you for that. I'm not sure I'll ever get past the awkwardness of a b-day greeting, though. I do understand that there has to be respect for the occasion.

    That's perfectly fine in my books. It's nice that they asked. It pisses me off when ppl don't.

    You do what you want. Dressing up and passing out candy is more of an annoyance than I could stand.

    @Darth plaugeis,
    If it's for the kids, what can I say? "Santa and I had a falling out. Long story" LOL.

    I don't give as much of a hoot about the "true Christainity" perspective as I used to. It's your freedom to believe...

    For those who trolled this thread, and we all know who you are, nice try. I had a good laugh. I had fun at your expense when you thought you could have fun at mine. I appreciate a little sincerity here and there and it pisses me off when it's completely lacking...


  • brotherdan

    Yeah, I really don't care about birthdays and holidays. I have no strong desire to celebrate. But I'd do it for the kids. As most of you know, right now my wife is still a Jay Dub, but if she ever gets out I'd be happy to celebrate my kids birthdays and holidays. For my birthday I'd be happy just going to dinner or something and then getting some booty action.

  • thetrueone

    It has be noted that most people who celebrate Christmas, Halloween and birthdays do so for their kids in mind.

    There are some extremely devouted Christians that do celebrate Christmas just because they have been told that it really is Christ's

    birthday, the wiser know differently.

  • wasblind

    Hey There Vam,

    I like celebrating the holidays because thats what I always did before I got involved with the JW's

    But now that I have had the experience in not celebrating, I find that both are exceptable to me

    because when I didn't celebrate I just took that time to relax and kick back, now that I'm through

    with the JW's I have the freedom of choice to decide what I want to do, in regards to celebrations

    with my family.

  • Twitch

    I don't care about the holidays but I don't have kids. It would be different if I did.

  • lola28

    Party pooper! Shun the non-believer, SHUN!

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