Faders: What do you say?

by Mad Sweeney 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Ok, I need some advice. I'm technically inactive, as many of you know, with obvious apostate leanings that via gossip in the congregation has me shunned by most.

    Recently at work somebody asked me what religion I am. I was taken aback and instinctively answered, "Jehovah's Witness," then quickly added "but I'm inactive." This person revealed that they are current JWs, too, and proceeded to tell me the usual platitudes: it's not too late, Jehovah still loves me, we'd love to see you at a meeting so why don't you come visit our Hall...etc.

    I just tried to divert the conversation to how long they have been living in the area and some of the people we may mutually know even though we're from different congregations.

    I'm not sure what I should have said. I don't work closely with this person but will maybe see him/her once every couple weeks. It's going to really suck. I don't know how I'm going to deal with it.

    And now I realize I haven't really asked a specific question in this post. Maybe I just needed to rant/vent.

    Just when things were going so WELL! DAMMIT!!!

  • sabastious

    Does the 'Jehovah still loves you' line ever work?

    I say something like this:

    "I was raised a Jehovah's Witness, but have since realized that I never dedicated myself to it as an adult. Sure when I was a kid and young adult I wanted to please the people around me, especially my parents. But like everyone else I grew up and had to start making decisions for myself."


  • snowbird
    Just when things were going so WELL! DAMMIT!!!


    There is one who works right down the hall from me.

    No one likes her; I merely speak and keep going.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I thought I was moving on well but this is shaking me. I literally feel nausea over it. Damn the Borg for having this sort of power over me!

  • sabastious


    I feel ya brother, it's a hard road but I really believe that this path yields extraordinarily strong people.

    Being an EXJW is like trying to tame a wild stallion.


  • moshe

    The KH/WT only has the power over you that you grant them. Maybe a talk with a counselor is in order here. I believe one or two sessions will help you to decide what you want to do in order stop that sick feeling from coming back. You can un-learn that fear of the WT and the elders, I know I did. I found out rather quickly that they were 10x more scared of me than I ever was of them. Good luck.

  • brotherdan

    Alas...thus is the road that faders have to walk. I really think that fading only lasts for so long for most people. At some point they FORCE you to take a stand. You could be living the good life for 5 years and then have 2 elders show up at your door and say that it was reported to them that you post on this site ,or you were smoking, or you were seen walking into an R rated movie and then the game is up.

    I'm waiting for the game to be up for me. I wonder how it'll happen...


    it's not too late, Jehovah still loves me,


    we'd love to see you at a meeting

    borg1.gif picture by GeneralWaco

    so why don't you come visit our Hall...etc.

    WTborg.jpg picture by GeneralWaco............................ ...OUTLAW
  • OnTheWayOut

    I was naive when I got baptized, but I don't wish to be disfellowshipped so I don't discuss any of my thoughts with active Jehovah's Witnesses. Besides, this is a workplace and you could get fired or the company could be sued if you harassed an employee about his or her beliefs.

  • leavingwt

    Mad Sweeney:

    At present, WT holds something over your head: your STATUS.

    If this is not something that you can change, then you must come to terms with the possibility of this type of thing being repeated an infinite number of times.

    For some, it's all worth it, to protect their status for various reasons.

    For others, like myself, we ripped the Band Aid off in one quick motion and have lived with the unpredictable consequences. We pre-emptively placed our status at ZERO, eliminating the possiblity that on their clock, at our status could change for whatever reasons they decided.

    Nobody escapes unharmed. There is no wrong or right way to exit.

    Please hang in there.

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