Ok, I need some advice. I'm technically inactive, as many of you know, with obvious apostate leanings that via gossip in the congregation has me shunned by most.
Recently at work somebody asked me what religion I am. I was taken aback and instinctively answered, "Jehovah's Witness," then quickly added "but I'm inactive." This person revealed that they are current JWs, too, and proceeded to tell me the usual platitudes: it's not too late, Jehovah still loves me, we'd love to see you at a meeting so why don't you come visit our Hall...etc.
I just tried to divert the conversation to how long they have been living in the area and some of the people we may mutually know even though we're from different congregations.
I'm not sure what I should have said. I don't work closely with this person but will maybe see him/her once every couple weeks. It's going to really suck. I don't know how I'm going to deal with it.
And now I realize I haven't really asked a specific question in this post. Maybe I just needed to rant/vent.
Just when things were going so WELL! DAMMIT!!!