Leolaia: Where is your story?

by pirata 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quillsky

    You're awesome, Leolaia. Thank you for sharing your story.

    I never disassociated myself and I never was disfellowshipped (or whatever the equivalent is for an unbaptised publisher) as far as I know.

    This struck me, because some of us don't actually know whether we've been disfellowshipped from this crazy religion in absentia.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Thanks Leolaia. I've been curious about you since I've been here. Now we know your story. I love stories...


    PS: What's your story Quillsky? We don't even know what gender you are!

  • Dogpatch

    your work is superb my dear.


  • miseryloveselders

    Reading your story was like watching a short film. Thanks for sharing. That was truly fascinating. I've always wondered what your story was. The only thing I knew about you was you're probably the smartest woman who's posts I've read online, and your heavily into Kim Clijsters. On a side note, my dad who's heavily into tennis was thrilled about Clijsters winning. He's a huge Serena fan, but seeing Clijsters win was just as good he told me.

  • GLTirebiter

    Thanks, Leolaia! Your story confirms what we already knew from the quality of your posts.

  • sherah

    Thanks for sharing Leolaia, very intriguing story.

  • darthfader

    Great bio! Thanks for taking the time to post another well thought out and well written response. You are always a pleasure to read.

    Cheers :)


  • ThomasCovenant

    Thank you Leolaia.

  • watson
  • Wrong Way
    Wrong Way

    Wow! That's nice!

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