Leolaia: Where is your story?

by pirata 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia

    I put this together for Josie. Much of this may or may not be familiar.

  • BabaYaga

    Love it, Leo! What a great read, thank you!


  • Farkel


    You can count me in your list of fans. But you already knew that. Thank you for sharing your story. I was curious about your background, and was also a slow learner; that is to say, I was raised as a dub!


    :But so what? Why should we care? This is a perfect example of the Watchtower making much ado about nothing in order to force JWs to be different than everyone else. Any way of controlling them and making them conform...

    :The WTS says a cross is a phallic symbol. And an upright single stake isn't???

    :The WTS says that the cross is a pagan symbol. No kidding. Whatever the shape of the tree it was a method of execution used by the Romans, and in the eyes of the Jews, the Romans were pagans.

    Forget all of that. If Jesus was crucified on a stake with his arms straight up, how could anyone read the sign that was placed just above his head on that stake?


  • Ancientofdays

    Thanks Leo, you're lovely, and your writing are special.

    "Cross and stake" is one of the most fascinating read I did ever, really. I think you're aware there 'a version in italian ?

    Grazie mille !!

  • Leolaia

    No, I haven't heard that there's an Italian version. (I know of a French one). I can only hope the translation is accurate.

    Thanks, Farkel! :)

  • AGuest

    Dearest Leolaia (peace to you!) - After reading your last couple/few posts I have to say that you remind me of my older sister, who had similar scores but taught me to read, write, tie my shoes, etc., well before I was 2 years old. IMHO she was/is the "brilliant" one; unfortunately, the 'experts' (in the 50's-60's) didn't think so (due to such "tests") and, as a result, neither did my idgit (as to her) parents (they figured "the man" must know...). Like you... she is a whiz at expressing herself in writing, but perhaps unlike you (?)... she is extremely shy and introverted... something she would not allow me to be. I myself didn't really understand her... and to some degree, myself... until I began to understand things like autism and asperger's syndromes. I digress, as I know this is about you and I don't want to take away from that in any way. But I am very glad to get to "know" you -

    As everyone else said, it was great hearing your story and, again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Copernic

    Great story.

    We share the same feelings :

    (e.g. giving up simply childish pleasures like birthdays and holidays, having to preach as a young kid, being teased for being a JW and doing things I hated, wearing those awful uncomfortable clothes to boring meetings three times a week, being told I couldn't learn to believe certain things as my mind matured, being discouraged from education, feeling like I couldn't plan for my life and that the world was coming to an end soon, fearing my non-JW family would soon be killed by God, etc.).

    My opinion today: Religion = Pornography. Not under 18 years old !!! Be human ! Let the choice to your kids !

  • Ding

    When I saw how deeply you research things, Leolaia, I had to chuckle thinking about how sorry the GB must be that they ever encouraged you to "make sure of all things"!

  • Quentin

    Interesting scores. Didn't hold you back, your research and lucid writing style makes any subject you write down understandable and interesting. It's writers like you, Terry, Farkel, AlanF and Narkissoss that got my attention from the start. I'm a history nut and have a fair knowledge of such things. Not a good writer though, think I would shock most people if they talked to me face to face.

    Anyway, that aside, keep up with the excellent writting that you do, makes for livly and timely information very much needed by all.

  • mrsjones5

    I put this together for Josie. Much of this may or may not be familiar.

    Thank Leo. When I saw this it struck me how similar it is to Joshua's experience.

    We had him pshychilogiacally assessed back in April and his results showed that he has a weakness in Verbal (language expression, comprehension, and listening) - his score was 64, but he's stronger in performance (nonverbal problem solving, perceptual organization, and visual motor proficiency) - his score was 119. When all the other score (processing speed - 85) was factored in Joshua's full scale IQ came out to be 97, but I can see improvement from when he was evaluated and I think if he was given another assessment his score would be higher.

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