Thanks Leolaia... your posts are always very instructive, now we definitely know why!
by pirata 85 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks Leolaia... your posts are always very instructive, now we definitely know why!
Leolaia, thanks for posting your fascinating story - it was a delight to read!
Your mention of Overland Monthly made me smile. And it's very interesting to know that you read Russell's writings from there first-hand!
A couple of years back on another JW debate board, there was one of the perennial discussions about cross vs. stake and I put up a link to your paper on it. Some of the more waspish JWs were immediately dismissive, saying there was a major error on the first page (thereby implying that none of what you'd written could be trusted). Despite repeatedly asking what the error was, they refused to tell me, preferring 'It's obvious!' and 'Come on, Ann, you're supposed to be a good researcher on xyz so you can surely see something as plain as this,' etc. etc. I was really scratching my head about it until I checked out the Overland Monthly reference.
What I think the idiots had done (the only potential discrepancy I could see) was assume you were citing the collection of Russell's OM articles that the Bible Students had put together in one book, which can be found on the 'ctrussell' web site, and that doesn't have even 500 pages let alone 551 (the page number you cite). If they had researched properly and hunted down the original publication (which I eventually found archived on the net), they would have discovered that your reference was (as usual) spot on. Unfortunately, the discussion had soured so much the mod. chopped and (I think) locked the thread so that was that. But whenever I see 'Overland Monthly' it always reminds me of that surreal discussion.
JW policies truly have caused them to lose their best and brightest.
Leo thanks for sharing your story. Your posts are always such a pleasure to read.
Thank you Leolaia for clinging to this forum, we do need your erudition. I bet we are many on here who have made a compilation of your so interesting and learnt articles about the cross, book of Henoch, etc. Thanks again.
Leolaia and oh, what the heck......
Thank you Leo for your candor. You are, among others, one of the most open and honest poster on the board,
Josie PMd me with information about IQ and autisim. Your comment fleshed it out. Quentin is on a medication which, so far, has been helpfull, to us, in dealing with his condition. At the same time he has become more socialy active, that too has helped as well. His father's sister was schizophrenic, sadly, several years ago she hung herself in her parents grarge. My daughter "just knew" her kids had the same afflection. Thankfully that has been pretty much put to rest. If you knew my daughter you'd uderstand her one track mind.
My heart goes out to you and your ghastly hospital experence. Hell on earth would be a state school(called that in Texas). In the last thirty years, or so the state has closed about 98% of the schools, but that's for another thread.
Terry and I missed meeting you at a Dallas apostofest by 10min. If your ever this way again let us know, we would love to conversate with you. Don't know bout High Pants Walstrom, now me, I would die a happy man....
AnnOMaly....What a funny story! Thanks for sharing, I wouldn't have known that happened. lol
I had no idea others were coming to the Dallas meeting back in '07, Quentin! How cool. I got to meet a whole bunch of people that day. :) Okay, I looked up my files on my assessment at age 11. My WISC verbal score was 123 (better than 93% of my age group), my performance score was 105, with the full-scale IQ being 117. Now as for the subtests, on the verbal end the scores were as high as 17 (information) and 16 (comprehension) and as low as 6 (digit span). The very low digit span score reflects my auditory issues. I had two other IQ assessments. The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test gave an IQ of 118 (equivalent to a mental age of 15 years and 1 month) and the Wechsler Memory Scale (M.Q.) gave a score of 99 (my evaluator wrote "poor log. memory" next to this). Another assessment I did poorly in was the Visual Recognition Test, which assesses the memory for faces and facial recognition. I also performed poorly in the Stroop Test, which I think is attributable to my synesthesia. There were also weaknesses in spatial memory in some of the other assessments. In most of the other tests I did average to above-average.
These results are pretty consistent with the assessment I had when I was 4 years 11 months. I had very high scores on the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale (age score of 6 years and 4 months) and the Pre-School Language Scale (6 years) and low scores in auditory memory (equivalent to 3 years) and sentence repetition (I was unable to repeat sentences longer than 3 words).
I for one am really glad that Simon's original discussion forum is continuing on so that more and more seekers of whats true can find quality write-ups on a number of topics. Leolaia's posts are excellent. She humbly doesnt consider herself an expert but she's undeniably a scholar.
I've learned so much more from your posts, and I thought myself relatively more informed than the average dub because of the books I'd check out from my city's public library.
Thanks for all of it there Leolaia.
P.S. Don't burn yourself out though with some of the willfully ignorant posters that come/resurface on here from time to time.
Desilusionnee....I think Penton has written about the "brain drain" in the Society. Look at what happened with Carl O. Jonsson. So much talent that is wasted. And with women kept out of leadership and pastoral positions, that can only hurt things further. And with higher education being so discouraged for people raised "in the truth", and with the belief system being pretty much compulsory, young people are put in the difficult position of having to choose between family (especially if baptized) and one's intellectual development.
Don't burn yourself out though with some of the willfully ignorant posters that come/resurface on here from time to time.
Thanks, Midget-Sasquatch. :) I only get bent out of shape if there is misunderstanding, or a misconstrual of motives, or if I do something that unintentionally offends someone else. That pushes some very old buttons for me.