You have a marvelously analytical mind. I'm so glad you escaped the Borg so you can use it freely.
You mentioned researching the cross issue.
I never did understand the big deal about whether Jesus died on a stake with a crossbeam or without one.
I think there are a number of Scripture references that indicate it was a cross (Simon of Cyrene being forced to carry it; people were often forced to carry prisoner's crossbeams when they were too weak to do so) plus Thomas' John 20:25 reference to the holes made by the NAILS (plural) in Jesus' hands.
But so what? Why should we care? This is a perfect example of the Watchtower making much ado about nothing in order to force JWs to be different than everyone else. Any way of controlling them and making them conform...
The WTS says a cross is a phallic symbol. And an upright single stake isn't???
The WTS says that the cross is a pagan symbol. No kidding. Whatever the shape of the tree it was a method of execution used by the Romans, and in the eyes of the Jews, the Romans were pagans.
The point of people wearing crosses is to symbolize that Jesus triumphed over it (Col. 2:15) and paid the penalty for our sins there (Gal. 3:13). But if wearing a cross causes a weak brother or sister to stumble, don't do it.
Romans 14:13: "Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way."
Thanks for sharing your story, Leolaia.