Do You Think It's Improper To Make Fun Of The Name "Jehovah"?

by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Some people say "Hovah' "Jehoovah", etc. or they'll say instead of Jehovah's Witnesses, "Hovies"....etc.

    Do you think that it's appropriate?

  • caliber

    I believe it is inappropriate to make little for any name even Minimus (ha ha ha ) ... unless it is a dear buddy & it is like a nic name sort of thing !

  • TheTruthAboutTheTruth

    It depends on how you feel about God i suppose.

    And since it was the wts that added the name jehovah to the new testament,it was them that raised its signifigance to us,and since ive left them and there teachings are bullshit i dont find it offensive when people say those things.!

  • moshe

    I say, Jehoobah, you say Jehoovah, we all say, Whocares? If God has a personal name, it would be written on the the Moon for the whole world to see.

  • bigmac

    but surely as the word " jehovah" is a man-made-up word, totally meaningless to an atheist like me, what does it matter if you abbreviate/slangify it?

    people have used " jah" "jove"--you name it --for years; so far, i'm not aware of anyone being struck down dead for it.

    however , if you're the sort to worry about others sensibilities, then a bit of common sense could be applied.

    i had wondered what the giant bartender in the sky would make of us mere earthlings squabbling about what to call him.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    It isn't even God's name. It is a mistranlation, a hybrid. If you do a little research on the Hebrew word "hovah" you will find out that it translates as ruin, distruction or mischief. Would that really be in the name of God? Although it does seem to fit the god of the Watchtower.


    No one is making fun of God when they say Jo-Ho,Jovie..Ect ect..

    They are making fun of Jehovah`s Witness`s..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s would make a Mockery of any Name they took..

    A 14th Century Catholic Translation Mistake was they`re choice..

    How can that not be Funny!!..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Calling the Watchtower god Joe Hoover could be considered offensive to this ball player who's name really was Joe Hoover

  • caliber

    It's like burning the Koran... if you don't respect the book at least show some respect for the people that do !!!

    It's like a fellow in our hometown he beat a man into a coma for six months.. when ask why he was so angry..

    HE said "the guy called me "a son of a bitch " ..noone insults my mother !!

  • xchange

    A name is just a name. Absolutely nothing wrong with making fun or spoofing it - for any deity (except Thor).

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