JW woman dies in car accident out in the "work"--where was the holy spirit?

by blondie 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • elderelite

    Jook, at what point did JW's become less than human to you? At what point did the "golden rule" stop applying to them? There is a family somewhere that has lost a sister, aunt, wife or mother and you think this is cute? its funny to redicule and wonder where the holy spirit was? I completly understand that the 'tower org sets itself up for this and I support it. When it's the organization. When it is indiviual people who have comitted no sin against you except to be caught up in the same god forsaken cult you were, it dosent seem justified or funny.

    What I find even worse is your remark's about the taliban "being creative" at a DC. At some point I will for a fact be out of this thing, but my wife and kids may not. They may be at the DC where the taliban "gets creative".. Concider too that many beloved posters on this board are still active JW's, for whatever reason. What if Curiouse butterfly died on her way to service... would the holy spirit jokes being flying? would you mockingly wonder if she got what she deserved? Or perhaps Miseryloveselders was on his way to the hall and died in a car accident.. do we joke that "he has sat on his last JC"? or perhaps "jehovah didn't want him to give that last part after all"? Or maybe yknot is one of those who is at the DC you hope the taliban "gets creative" at.. .how fitting is her death?

    that kind of mentality makes me wonder if you really got free at all, or perhaps you simply were not fit for the company of people who were at least trying to be decent folks.

    Fools like you give everyone who gets free a bad name.

  • isaacaustin

    Elderlite, I don't think Jook meant it quite as harshly as you said it. It was more of a satirical joke against the org and their beliefs than against the victims.

    By the way, how much pity and compassion would the JWs show toward the surviving family of an 'apostate' who died?

  • isaacaustin

    Further Elderlite, what would be the orgs attitude (not necessarily each individual, but the org as a whole)? Oh well, that said. Can't think of a better position to die in. They'll be resurrected. The show must go on.

  • wasblind

    ." The meaning I took was that people would become JWs just to avoid tragedy, and not out of sincere love for jehovah."

    I'm glad you brought that up Serenity,

    I wish you had of told that Elder that: Half of the people come to the kingdom Hall to avoid the tragedy of being shunned, not because they sincerely believe what is being taught.

  • elderelite

    does it fucking matter? since when did the standard of treatment become "well they would mock me so I'm going to mock them"? What happened to the understanding that they are caught up in a cult? That "they know not what they say"? That those who are "free" know better and perhaps could have some compassion on those who are still trapped?

    I also think I was clear that any and all jokes, insults and ill wishes for the ORGANIZATION are fair game. Its the people in the org who deserve compassion and pitty. Or does the law of loving kindness not apply to those who are blind and have been deceived? Do we check our compassion at the door when talking about JW's because we are better then them now that we know the lies?

    Reading stupid ass shit like that and knowing that once I leave THAT is what I will be associated with is what drives me to drink.

  • wasblind


    you have just found a place in my heart don't let fools drive you to drink.

  • tec

    Without the profanity, I'm totally with Elderelite on this one. Did you escape the org just to continue in their judgmental and unloving behavior? A good rule to follow - would you have said (or Jook) any of the things you said on this board to the grieving family, personally?


  • wasblind

    El is really upset Tec,

    because he feels pain for someone he doesn't even know,

    that's something we should never lose as human beings

  • laverite

    Elderelite, you are right on the money. This is a a very sad and tragic accident. Such a tragic loss of life. It could have been any one of our relatives or even some of the members of this board who still active and who are near and dear to many of our hearts.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    Mother of five.

    Grandmother of two.

    Other relatives, who knows how many.

    Friends, who knows how many.

    She is now D-E-A-D.

    Some of you on this thread should be ashamed.

    Sick, sick, sick.


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