JW woman dies in car accident out in the "work"--where was the holy spirit?

by blondie 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    There are so many traffic laws in so many states I can't see how Jesus could keep up with them all and bake bread for the heavenly host. Bad luck I guess.

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    I remember one sister saying to me following the Tsunami that the KH hall there was spared and that everyone inside got out alive. Doesn't this prove that Jehovah is looking after his own?

    My husband said to me later that if the news reported that everyone inside Tescos got out alive would that have been a miracle too?

    I agree with what was said above anyone being killed like this is sad JW or not. It is just so annoying that when something good happens they all attribute it to being part of God's Organisation.


  • Magwitch

    My elderly great aunt was killed in an auto accident on the way home from service about 15 years ago in Oshkosh, WI. So many of my relatives thought it was such a wonderful way to day "faithful to the end", "Will absolutely be resurrected ", "How beautiful that she was doing Jehovah's will right to the end"

  • Mary

    Witnesses and indeed the Organization itself tend to 'pick and choose' in situations like this. We've heard plenty of JW urban legends like where angels protected that sister who called on a guy who had just murdered the Avon lady. This gives the impression that Jehovah will protect you while out in Service. At the same time, the Society has stated that Witnesses can't expect individual protection from the Holy Spirit, even when out in Service. This was specifically mentioned at our meeting years ago when an elderly sister was killed in a car accident on the way to the Memorial.

    It's a tragedy, no matter which way you look at it. My oldest sister had a close call a few weeks ago on her way to the KH. She was at a stoplight, it turned green and she looked again to make sure nothing was coming. A huge transport truck just sailed on through the red light and had she not checked first, he would have hit her and probably killed her.

    I myself had a close call last week. I was coming out of my Massage Therapist's office and at the light (my light was green), a very stupid driver coming the other way just decided that they were going to turn left right in front of me. I had to slam on the breaks and swerve sharply or I would have hit the idiot head on.

    I feel for the family. No matter what your religious beliefs, it's always horrifying when a family member dies.

  • laverite

    Barbara, what an amazing and frightening story from your time in Floriday. Thank goodness you were not more badly injured and that all survived.

    This current story is so very sad. I feel so terrible for the victim and her family and loved ones.

  • BluesBrother

    A tragedy for all involved . My deep sympathies are with the injured and bereaved.

    Don't let's crow about the absent Holy Spirit. Nobody ever claimed that it is a guardian angel .

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    The crash happened shortly before 6 a.m. on Southern Boulevard just east of Sunshine Road.

    2 teenage girls a 33 yr old and the 61 yr old out for field service at 6 in the friggin morning?!?

    We all know the deal they were out that early to get maxim time in plain and simple. A damn shame that TIME is so gat damn important they have to be out by 6am to prove/show (however you want to word it) Thier faith to jehovah.

  • betterdaze

    Does God Really Care?

    Divine Intervention?

    When a catastrophe strikes, anybody can be affected, and faithfulness to God is not necessarily a factor.

    Time + Unforeseen Occurrence = Wait on the "Great Day of Jehovah."


    Regularly reading this magazine will help you to understand what God has done, is doing, and will yet do that can bring you happiness now and a solid hope for the future.

  • blondie

    Of course, the WTS speaks out of both sides of their mouth. In writing they say one thing, and individual jws say something else. My experience above was not just the only one I have experienced and seen. DOs, COs, elders, and so-called "mature" jws have said that God protects the faithful. It wasn't until some years ago that the WTS finally had a series of articles saying that Psalm 91 was meant to be understood as spiritual not physical...yet that belief still persists among jws.

    Psalm 91:7

    New International Version(©1984)
    A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

    New Living Translation(©2007)
    Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.

    English Standard Version(©2001)
    A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

    New American Standard Bible(©1995)
    A thousand may fall at your side And ten thousand at your right hand, But it shall not approach you.

    GOD'S WORD® Translation(©1995)
    They will not come near you, even though a thousand may fall dead beside you or ten thousand at your right side.

    King James Bible
    A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; [but] it shall not come nigh thee.

    American King James Version
    A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.

    American Standard Version
    A thousand shall fall at thy side, And ten thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not come nigh thee.

    Bible in Basic English
    You will see a thousand falling by your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you.

    Douay-Rheims Bible
    A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand: but it shall not come nigh thee.

    Darby Bible Translation
    A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

    English Revised Version
    A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

  • serenitynow!
    they never tell you the 1000x examples of when bad things happen to "the ones in god's org"

    Well an elder once tried to explain to me why "Jehovah's people" suffer tragedies at the same rate as the "wicked worldlies," because if "Jehovah's people" were constantly protected from bad things, then there would be "standing-room only at the KH." The meaning I took was that people would become JWs just to avoid tragedy, and not out of sincere love for jehovah.

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