These letters will blow your mind!

by Dogpatch 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    These letters will blow your mind!

    It's hard to beleive that one or two small-minded men in the Service Dept. could be responsible for thousands of medical emergencies going bad or even death. The truth must be told now.

    Following is a remarkable dialogue between an active elder in the United States and the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses about the subject of blood transfusion. It exemplifies the deaf ear turned to so many of our brothers when they ask good questions that need answering.

    At great personal risk to several Bethel administrators who are tired of seeing this treatment, the following letters were acquired with discreet permission from overseers. They are made available so that all can have a better sense of the sidestepping of important issues carried on by those at the highest level of authority among Jehovah's Witnesses.

    We hope the elder who wrote these letters will understand why we had to make them public. Our prayers are for him and the many more like him.

    Actual scans of letters will appear shortly as soon as the links are done.
    Randy Watters

    Sometimes the Truth hurts

  • Fredhall

    Hey Randy,

    Did you buy Pastor Russell's books?

  • Joyzabel

    Thanks Randy for posting these letters.

    I printed out all 47 pages.

    What will happen to R. Jensen now?

    What is next? Do you think there will ever be any changes to the blood issue for the wtbts?

  • Dogpatch

    We shall see. One thing for sure, although there does not appear to be a "mounted effort," there are pockets of dissent in high places all over the world. They are, of course, afraid of being found out. Others apparently are not, make sure you read this:

  • metatron

    Note that therein the Society accepts the notion that "disfellowshipping"
    should apply to people who violate THEIR opinions on using blood.
    So, the enforcement of this ban continues, with cruel pressures
    applied to frightened, sick, suffering people lying in hospital.

    In effect, "Do as we command you or else we will order your
    friends and family to abandon you thru shunning." The Nazis
    were famous for using hostages this way.

    Too bad there isn't a 'hell',
    They should burn in it.


  • JT

    Randy, Randy Randy

    you are good- how did you get your hands on those letters- smile

    great info

    thier question is the same one i began to have

    what is the Bible Text to support the "APPROVED LIST" AND THE "UNAPPROVED LIST"

    and the CO as well as my old roommate on the /service desk could not answer it as well

    now i know why'

    if it ain't in the bible you can tell anyone what page to turn to


  • SixofNine

    Thanks Randy. It's good to know who your Friend is.

    I wish we could just chalk up the stupidity at the service desk to stupidity. Much like this issue, it ain't so simple. There are primary componets of Stupidity, Evil, Black Heart cells, and Unsympathetic Arrogance to be separated, dissected, scavanged and exposed.

  • BluesBrother

    Thanks to all, including the elder.

    Reminds me of a comment by a Kingdom Ministry Instructor who had been answering questions prior to the elder arrangement in the early 70's.
    When asked about Reaching out for Overseer" he said, "We e e L you have to put down something" and just made something up!
    I guess thats what they do here.

  • yrs2long

    Argumentation such as this is precisely why the Governing Body doesn't want its members to be educated. Otherwise they have to fall back on the 'running ahead of God's chariot' warning. My hat's off to the patient elder who with his time and determination has provided me much ammunition against the society with my folks.

    Thanks Randy for sharing!

  • hawkaw

    I have talked to Mr. Jensen about this incident

    I hope to God he is okay with it.

    These letters are for real - someone sent them to me too.

    To me it is nothing knew. He really knows his Deut 14:21 and Insight into the Scriputres really well.


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